6 - My Aunt Discovers Her Nephew May Actually Be Her Niece

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It was dark by the time I made it to the Monorail Station, so I was lucky it was still so warm. Standing out in the cold wearing a short dress and high heels was not on my bucket list. I found Laurel waiting on a bench for me, on her phone like our situation was no big deal.

'You made it!' she exclaimed, like she wasn't expecting me to arrive in one piece. 'I'm so proud of you.'

'I just want to go home and get out of these clothes,' I said. 'These shoes are killing me.'

'I would take you back to my place, but I'm not sure how my family would react to you yet. I'll walk you back to your flat.'

'We have to be quick. Aunt Jenny will be back soon and I'd rather not let her see me like this.'

'You haven't told her yet?'

'Of course I haven't told her about my body! This stays between us!'

Laurel smirked. 'We'll see for how much longer. Trust me, hiding a sex change is practically impossible. Especially with breasts like those.'

She pointed at mine, which I swore had grown a tiny bit since the day began.

We rode on the next Monorail to my neighborhood, a small part of Stoker called Bramston, which was made of a few apartment blocks and the odd grocer. We walked a bit before we got to my high rise, the tallest in Bramston. It was on the richer end of the economy scale, so as bad as Stoker could be, I was at least living well.

Just before we entered the front lobby, I pulled Laurel aside and shoved ourselves into the nearest alleyway. We had just avoided a disaster.

'What was that for?' Laurel said, pushing me away.

'Aunt Jenny was checking in. She was chatting with the front desk lady, as she always does. There's no way I'm getting home before her now.'

Laurel sighed. 'Just let her see you like this. It'll be for the best, trust me.'

'No way. Once she knows, my family will know, and there's no way my mom, dad and sister are finding out that I've become a girl while they've been away.'

'It'll happen one day.'

I stood straight, affirmed of my stance. 'Over my dead body, Laurel.'

'Technically vampires are dead, so...'

'You know what I mean!'

We both stayed in silence. I peeked back to see if the coast was clear, but Aunt Jenny was still talking. 'I'm doomed. There's no other way in.'

'We could jump,' Laurel said.

I looked at her, baffled. 'I live on the 20th floor.'

'Too easy.' Laurel linked her arm with mine, smiling like she was laughing at some inside joke with herself. 'Hold on and don't scream. Promise?'

'Sure, I guess, but what are-OHMYGOD!'

Laurel and I were in the air, leaving a small crater behind where we stood. My dress flew up and covered my face. I had no idea what was going on, but it felt like we were flying. We flew up until we reached the apartment's roof where Laurel grabbed me mid-air, cradled me in her arms and landed, dropping me shortly after.

'Landing feet first in heels after a jump like that is a recipe for disaster,' Laurel said, adjusting her hair. 'Trust me.'


'One of many perks being a vampire has,' Laurel grinned. 'You're still in the Morphing Stage, so you don't have powers yet. Or the thirst for blood. At your rate, it should happen soon. I'd get downstairs quick if I were you. Your Aunt is probably on her way as we speak.'

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