4 - My New Life, a.k.a. Being a Girl May Have Some Perks After All

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Laurel checked closely to see if we were truly alone in the Girl's Toilets. Thankfully we were, and we were able to talk in private. My mind wasn't just racing, it was in the middle of a Gran Prix. I was panting, pulling at my hair. I wasn't just a girl now, but a fudging vampire!

'But a vampire bite doesn't transform others!' I argued.

'It's not the bite that affected you,' Laurel answered. 'As I said before, my blood spilled into your blood when our lips locked. Some of my vampire DNA resides within you. It changed your body to match the same code of who it originally belonged to. For the past week you've been slowly morphing into the body of a biological female, but since you were in a coma, you had no idea. I assume the doctors just thought you were beginning a transition or something.'

'That doesn't make any sense. Why haven't I heard about something like this before.'

'Because it's incredibly uncommon. And...there's more to it than me just being a vampire.' She sighed, contemplating whether or not to disclose the following information to me. She caved.

'By ingesting my blood, you activated the Vampiria gene. It's a rare vampiric gene that only belongs to a special kind of human.'

'Special in what way?'

'Special like you are now...like I was. I can't believe I'm telling you, but, I went through a very similar change to you. I wasn't born as Laurel Laurent. I too morphed into a female body.'

'You're a boy?'

Laurel scoffed and slapped me. 'WAS a boy, dimwit! I've been in this body for a few years now. This is who I am!'

'Sorry,' I said. 'What was your name before?'

'That's not important,' she said quickly. 'Only a very small percentage of vampires can carry the Vampiria gene. Helsing is very interested in examining the gene, so if they get their hands on you or I, it could be very bad news for our people.'

Our people. I still couldn't take it all in. Not only was I a girl, but also a special type of vampire that contained a rare gene that was sought after by Helsing! In the span of a few days my life had gone from relative boredom to the plot of some ridiculous anime series or online novel.

'I don't want to be a girl, or a vampire,' I whimpered. 'I want to be me. I want to be Gavin Middleton. I want to fuck girls, not get fucked as one!'

Laurel sniggered but the humor quickly left her face.

'Is there a way to reverse the process?' I asked.

'None that I know of. Why would you want to? Being a vampire is awesome but being a high school girl is even better. I'm the queen bee at this school! I could have never achieved that if I hadn't embraced my femininity. Trust me, life will start getting a whole lot better for you.'

'You live in a family of vampires, I don't! What am I supposed to say to my Aunt, to Walt and Ramone, to my parents, my sister! What are they going to think when I return home and they discover that their son is now their daughter? How can I be a big brother anymore?'

'They might prefer a daughter and a big sister for all you know.'

'Shut up! Stop talking like you know what I'm going through. Everyone in my personal life has no idea about anything relating to vampires. I just want to be regular Gavin Middleton. I don't want to be a Vampiria or whatever it's called. I want to be normal.'

Laurel grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me towards the mirror. My reflection was the same as I always was. My face was a tad softer, but still anguished and sad, and looked very lonely.

Vampiria: A Gender-Bending Vampire StoryWhere stories live. Discover now