Pt 53: What Was Sanskar Going To Say?

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Let's begin..

"Mera baby Kab hoga?! " Sanskar opened his eyes with Ragini words when he witnessed her placing pillow on her stomach, portraying to be pregnant women.
He was really disturbed now. Upto now they just had a relationship of friends where it was bound with hugs and kisses. He was so indulged in making her successful that he forgot that they had a personal life as well. Where Abhimanyu had once told him she is no different from other girls, she would have same feelings and desires what other girls thinks to have in future.
One place he should feel happy about it but he wasn't but more of it he was confused!!!

Sanskar looks at Ragini who is now freak of cleanliness and she is cleaning the vase.
He smiles nodding his head as she cleans each and everything inside the room twice a day. Despite having servants but she would keep their room clean on her own.

But his dilemma was not letting him to do anything.


Abhimanyu laughs:to be honest.. I knew that you gonna come to me regarding this.
Sanskar :that's rude you are laughing.
But he again laughs a bit.
Abhimanyu smiles:it's not a serious issue. Sanskar you know that Ragini is differently perfect in her own ways. Desires are desires after all. Don't worry about anything!
Sanskar:I.. You know...
Abhimanyu interrupts:I know.. I can understand that you love her so much that you are so careful and want to prevent her from every harm. Live a normal life from now on. You don't have to be extra worried.

While Ragini on the other side was busy watching the drama. 7 to 8 was her drama time.

Where the girl cries:Vishal.. Mujhe pata tha ki Mein Ab tumhe boring lag rahi hoon. I am not like other girls, I have no particular dressing sense or I can't even do the proper make up. I am not even presentable in front of your friends. But I am like this what should I do vishal. Please don't leave, without you I would die.
She falls on the knees of vishal:please... Vishal don't leave me.
Vishal:chodo mujhe nandini..
He pushed her away...
She looks shocked with some extra dramatic expression and shown their faces with all angles and not to forget the dumtanana at back ground.

Ragini was expressionless as well as speechless. It was her most favourite drama that she could not bear the separation of leads.
Ragini:vishal don't do that please. Nandini really loves you!


Sanskar was doing some work in his laptop.
While Ragini was busy in her mobile.
Sanskar took her glances in between. He looked at the time which was 12 already.
Sanskar:Ragini.. Enough put down the mobile and sleep.
But she continued..
Sanskar :Ragini..
Ragini:2 minutes.
Sanskar was looking at the 3D plan for the upcoming project in his company :you became so addicted to cell phone nowadays. what are you doing all the time in it?
Ragini:reading reading.
Sanskar was typing the conclusion of project in one hand and in other he was twirling the paper weight:reading what?
Ragini:reading about intercourse!
The paper weight dropped. He was literally shocked.
Sanskar looks at her:intercourse what?
He was not sure what she mentioned.
Ragini:sanki buddhu.. Sexual intercourse.
He don't know what happened to him after listening her, he just started to cough very badly.
While she moved and pat his back.
He calmed and smiles a bit.

And he looks at her:Ragini..don't give me shock therapies suddenly. I am not prepared for your this version!
Ragini:but I am prepared for intercourse. I have read a lot that says sex is necessary for husband and wife to grow more affectionate and to bond well which completes each other.
Sanskar was speechless :umm.. Ahm.. I...
Ragini:so when are we having one?

Is it possible that he is dreaming all this?
She is speaking so clear while he is shy.
Ragini:Sansii you didn't answer me?
Sanskar trying to change the topic:Ragini, it's late you should sleep. Tomorrow sahil is coming to pick you right? Sleep early.
Ragini:ohh yes!!!
She immediately goes to bed and lays covering comfort.
While he just left out a breath.

Ragini sits:Sansii.. But you did not tell me when are we having...
Sanskar interrputs:network... Damn why there's no network.. I'll just go out and come you sleep. Okay.
He immediately stood and was about to go.
She realised vishal too initially avoided nandini which got them here. She don't know what will happen in tomorrow's episode but she can't let Sanskar to be vishal.
Ragini:Sansii avoiding me!!
He literally stopped holding the handle.
He closed the door:I am not avoiding you.
But she was angry:i realised.. You don't want me anymore.
She lays on the bed and covered comfort.
He facepalmes.


Ragini was watching TV sitting at Sahil's cabin. Where he went for the meet asking her to stay inside his cabin.
She was so indulged in the TV show.
Where the office maid came to cabin to clean she also started to watch the show

Vishal:Nandini.. Now i realised we aren't meant for each other. My mom will never accept you as her daughter-in-law. It's better to separate. I can't tolerate you facing my mother's hatred always.

Maid:now she will say.. I can do anything for you. I am ready to take hatred of your mother all my life.
Ragini looks at her.

Nandini :Nandini its nothing infront of my love. I can do anything for you even if your mother's entire life, I am ready for it!

Ragini shocked:how?how... How how did you know that?
Maid:I am experienced in watching drama so I know. Now see he will say even if you are ready but I am not ready. And see he will forward the divorce papers!
Ragini got horrified and watched the drama if it's going to be true.

Vishal:for saying this it is very easy. But.. I can't do that.. I can't see you suffering from the hatred of my mother.. So...

Ragini was so scared now.

Vishal:Mein tumhe...
And scene got so intense and repeated for 3 more times.
Vishal:talaq deta hoon.
And The drama ends with Nandini's shocked face.

Ragini was shocked:no no no... How.. How can he do can he do do that. he promised her to be with her always.
Maid:but this is the story I know that. They are meant to be separated for now.
At the time Sahil comes.
While the maid quickly goes outside.

Sahil :laado.. Chale?
Ragini;no no no.. I I.. I want I want to go to Sansii.
Sahil:why? You are going to stay with us for few days right laado?
Ragini:no no no no no.. I I am going to Sansii.
She quickly moves outside.
Sahil:what happened to her?
He follows. She sits inside the car.

Sahil calls Sanskar:hello Sanskar where are you now?
Sanskar:just moving back home.
Sahil:Ragini wants to come back to you.
Sahil:she is stubborn.
Sanskar smiles:okay where are you now?
Sahil:I am outside the office.
Sanskar:I'll be there in 10 minutes.

Sanskar smiles turning his car:Ragini today I am gonna surprise you something.
He smiles.

In sometime he reached.
He smiles seeing her who is sitting inside the car.
Sanskar moved to her and she sees him.
Sahil:what magic you did she doesn't wanna stay with us for sometime.
Sanskar:trust me. I didn't do anything.
Sahil smiles.

Ragini gets down the car.
Sanskar:why do you want to come back?
She looks at him: I should not come back.
He looks at her.
Sanskar:forget that.. I really have something important to speak to you.
She was shocked all the mess started in vishal and Nandini's life with Vishal's this sentence.

She immediately covers her ears:no no no no..ahhhhh(she shouts shocking them) I don't want to listen anything. Bhaiyyu let's go home.
Sanskar was equally confused.

She immediately sits in the car avoiding to look at Sanskar.
Sahil:what happened to her?
Sanskar:I.. Really have no idea!!!
She shouts at sahil. due to which sahil immediately goes and sits. He looks at Sanskar. While he just nods.
Sahil drives from there.

To be continued.....

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