Shot 28

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Let's begin...

Ragini kept on crying for sahil as she wanted her bhaiyyu with her
And it was the first time that sanskar couldn't control her.calm her down.

Just then aditya:how did laado got to know this is bhaiyyu's car?

Listening him she stops crying!
And immediately hide behind sanskar

Sanskar looks at him and Ragini have held his hand

Aditya smiles:yeh tumhari bhaiyyu ki hi gaadi hai!

Ragini touches the car:laado bhaiyyu car!

Aditya:Haan.. When your bhaiyyu got to know that you are coming here so he sent his car to you!

Ragini immediately went to car and opens it and sits in the back seat analysing everything but inside it looked different from her bhaiyyu's car.

Sanskar smiles and being grateful to adi :thankyou but..

Aditya :it's ok.. I understood it, but what happened to her?

Sanskar:she is an autistic

Adi didn't say anything for some seconds

He smiles:let's go

And he sees Ragini sitting in a passenger seat

Sanskar sits back. Ragini immediately got down and sits next sanskar
Adi smiles he drives

Ragini:laado bhaiyyu car no

Sanskar looks at her

And she then places her head on his lap and sleeps.

Adi wanted to ask him about the story, he noticed vermilion on her forehead. And Sanskar married an autistic made him astonished. But he couldn't ask him directly. But he dearly wanted to know.

And they reach the home..

It was big mansion

Where a lady was sitting in the garden and she is zoya

Zoya welcomes them

Aditya shows them the outhouse


Zoya brings the food for RagSan


Zoya smiles

Adi too comes

Sanskar feeds Ragini like the way she likes to have.

And then makes her sleep

Adi and zoya both looks at all his care concern and love for Ragini

Sanskar comes to them after making her sleep

Sanskar smiles :i know you want to know how Ragini is in my life!

Zoya:no no don't take us wrong but..

Sanskar:i can understand

Adi:i don't understand, you were a successful business man and photography?

Sanskar just smiles:it's a long story.

Zoya:if you are comfortable you can share with us.

Sanskar then explains them about his and Ragini's story

They are astonished. Where someone could find such kind of person

Zoya:even... She..
She was lacking words after listening him.

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