Yeonjun - Tired🔺Beomjun/Yeongyu

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⚠️Contains Beomjun/Yeongyu. Read if you like it.

Yeonjun had a full schedule lately. Like really full.

He had solo performances, collabs, dance practices for solos...

He basically felt too tired.

He got barely 3 hours of sleep every night. Even though he was so tired,he just couldn't fall asleep.

He felt so,so frustrated that he couldn't even put it into words.

Another morning. Another getting barely 3 hours of sleep. Another day of endless practice.

He just wants to rest. Is it too much?

Yeonjun knew he has to get up either way. He slowly got out of his bed and started wearing his chlothes.

"Ugh I feel so tired" he mumbled. He exited the room and went to kitchen.

He saw Beomgyu making food. Well, actually trying to make food.

From what Yeonjun was seeing,he was failing miserably.

"Yah what are you doing" Yeonjun couldn't help but cracked up.

"I'm trying to make food I'm so hungry" whined Beomgyu.

"Aren't the other members awake yet?"asked Yeonjun

"No, it's still pretty early. Why are you even up anyways hyung?"

"I have practice, I'll just eat and leave".

"Hyung, don't you think it's too much?"

"What are you talking about?" Yeonjun asked, dumbfounded.

"These practices I mean. Don't you get tired?"

"We'll it makes me exhausted but it's okay, it's a once in a lifetime chance".

"Yeah but you can't push yourself like that. You are perfect at dancing,vocals,why do you need practice anyway?!"

"Yah calm down Beoms"chuckled Yeonjun,-"it's okay".

"Okay if you say so"answered Beomgyu,still looking unconvinced.

"I should cook something fast before you burn down the whole kitchen".

"Yahhhh hyung I'm not that bad cook!!!"

"Of course you aren't"


It's currently 2 am and Yeonjun was leaving the practice room only now.

He wants to get sleep once cause he has to get up at 7 am. Maybe he can get 5 hours of sleep today.

He entered the dorm,drank some water and went to bed.

He laid and closed his eyes, trying to sleep.

Keyword: trying.

No matter how hard he tried,he just couldn't sleep. He was worried about tomorrow's practice,and the performance was next week. All his worries didn't let him sleep. Without realizing he started to cry.

"Why am I even crying..." he questioned himself tiredly.

Meanwhile Beomgyu who felt thirsty was on his way to kitchen.

He drank his water and when he was entering his room,he heard soft cries coming from the next room.

It was coming from Yeonjun's room.

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