TXT crack chat 4-"The Tales of Kai's questions and suffering of last Braincell"

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⚠️ You might choke on air
⚠️The full title is since it's not completely visible: TXT crack chat 4-"The Tales of Kai's questions and suffering of last Braincell"
⚠️100% Crack
⚠️You know usernames I'm lazy to write it again👁️👄👁️


        Swag.jjunie changed Group                     
                   Chat's name into
       "That Bald Soobin meme"


Plushieningning: Which meme

Beomiebear: The most iconic meme ever

Bread4life: Shut up you "chocking on beat" person

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Bread4life: Shut up you "chocking on beat" person

Beomiebear: That's why I'm the producer here everything I do is on beat so shut up Jessica 🙄💅🏻

King.taehyun: Tf are you guys on again

Plushieningning: Guys I got a question for you

Beomiebear: Do tell

Plushieningning: If I hit myself and it hurts,am I considered weak or strong?

Beomiebear: Weak

Swag.jjunie: Weak

Bread4life: Strong

King.taehyun: You're considered stupid

Plushieningning: Oh-🥲

Plushieningning: I got another question tho

Swag.jjunie: What's it

Plushieningning: If dentists make money from bad teeth,why do we use the toothpaste they recommend?

Beomiebear: I pass this question to Taehyun.

Bread4life: Me too.

Swag.jjunie: Me three.

King.taehyun: It is their job. Teachers' job is to teach stupid people,they make money from that but they still tell us to study, it's the same thing.

Swag.jjunie: He's always got an answer ready in his pocket,istg.

Plushieningning: If I say "I'm lying",am I saying the truth?

King.taehyun: How are we supposed to know? You may tell us "I was lying" to hide the truth that you actually did something,or sometimes you would just say "I'm lying" and nobody would believe you so that would still be your advantage.

Beomiebear: I don't get it. I'm out bishes-

Bread4life: My brain hurts. I'm out.

Swag.jjunie: You don't have brain. But yeah, I'm out too.

Plushieningning: Tae does this mean I can ask my questions to you?

King.taehyun: ...

Plushieningning: If time is money,does this mean ATM is time machine?

King.taehyun: It doesn't make sense.

Plushieningning: It does! A -a T -time M - machine

Beomiebear: Oh that does make sense

Bread4life: So I'm not the only one who's still in chat.

Swag.jjunie: Me too

Plushieningning: Who taught the first teacher?

King.taehyun: Studying by yourself exists.

Plushieningning: Did the brain name itself?

King.taehyun: I-


Plushieningning: But Tae, nobody else can answer my questions, they are stupid!

Bread4life: Shut up!

Plushieningning: One last question!

Beomiebear: Oh no.

Swag.jjunie: No pls.

Bread4life: I'm gonna cry.

Plushieningning: Are we living,or we're slowly dying?

King.taehyun: I'm out.


481 words.

Sorry this is short,I don't have inspiration to write lately and University work is too much, I'm studying all the time. And exams are near so I'm not active, sorry 🥲

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