Shed thy Corporeal Coil

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"Where the Hel is she?" Stark yells over the comms.

"Now that was just bad," Barton says as he puts an arrow into a skeleton's eye socket. "Your puns are slipping, Stark."

Tony clears a swath though a band of harpies with his repulsor cannons and lands at Clint's side, kicking a goblin's teeth in as he lands, Cline puts another arrow through the rib cage of a troll and the two Avengers pivot as a unit.

"Whatever magic they're using is too strong for me to penetrate," Stark says, firing a swarm of mini-missiles. "They're completely surrounded by all of that rainbow magic that has been sloshing out of Hel. It's keeping them in and me out."

A lightning strike takes out a line of trolls moving towards them. Thor joins them on the ground, electricity crackling across his arms. "The Bifrost energy around the Norns is too strong. Even my mother cannot spell her way through."

"Options?" Barton asks, kicking a goblin in the chest and following up with an elbow to the jaw that lays the goblin out.

"I'm down to 'release the Hulk and pray', "Tony says with absolutely no sarcasm.

"We tried that on Earth, remember?" Clint replies. "She hit a home run with him and then proceeded to battle us into the ground. There was some sheer luck involved in getting those ultrasonic bracelets on her wrists. That won't work again."

Thor carves a deep furrow in the ground with the electricity spitting off Mjolnir, "Perhaps instead of getting to Hel and Jay, we support the Norns. Even they seem to be struggling to fight Hel when she's using Jaycee's powers."

They look to the three goddesses engaging Hel/Jay. The dark-haired one with the pixie cut looks deadly as her blade whirls through the air. The brown-haired archer looks feral, teeth barred in a warrior's grin that Clint has to admit is as scary as it is sexy. The little blonde looks distraught, but continues to batter Hel/Jay alongside her sisters, blows no less powerful because of her smaller stature.

Hel/Jay is an angry tempest, the euphoria of battling the Norns, finally, lighting her eyes an incandescent, poisonous shade that flashes amid the swirling maelstrom around her. They hear her cackle, even from this distance, a sinister combination of Hel's snarl and Jaycee's giggle.

The four Norns clash as they watch. Despite the battle being three on one, Hel has total control over Jaycee's powers, augmenting her own abilities as a goddess. The result is that Hel/Jay is taking damage from multiple strikes, but also still managing to win.

Stark looks at Clint. "You riding with me or with the guy wearing his mother's drapes?"

Clint considers, having flown with both Avengers in the past. "Nest mission, I want a high-tech pair of wings," he grumbles as Thor spins his hammer and Tony preps his jets. He takes Tony's arm grudgingly. When the ground whooshes away beneath him, he has a brief flash of understanding why Jaycee always feared heights.

Thor passes them as they fly towards the Norns and gives Clint a childish pout.

They can only get within two blocks of the Norns before they have to set down on the roof of a bakery. Breads and foreign pastries litter the streets, loaves spread chaotically in the wake of the battling goddesses. Clint looks somewhat forlornly at the demolished cakes. Tony follows his gaze and gives Clint an incredulous look. "How can you think of eating dessert at a time like this?"

"We've been busy lately," Clint grumbles menacingly. "I get cranky without my carbs."

"He likes big buns and he cannot lie," Stark crows.

"Children, focus," comes Natasha's voice over their now obviously open comm channel. "Cosmic goddesses unintentionally creating a rainbow vortex that's destroying the elf home world and all that. Plus, Frigga can hear you."

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