Right through the very heart of it...

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She has failed them.

Concussed deep in her own psyche, Jaycee knows she has failed them.


While everyone else is standing in shock watching Tony tumble across the New York City skyline, Banner loses what little remaining control he had over the Hulk.

His shirt tears, his muscles bulge, and his skin flashes to green all in an instant. The Hulk gives a mighty roar and then surges forward, knuckle running like a gorilla straight off the edge of the tower. He sails through the air, straight for Hel, who meets his enraged bellow with a vicious snarl of her own.

Given they once saw Jay stop a building collapse in NYC with her telekinesis, it really should be no surprise when Hel lines up an invisible baseball bat and takes a telekinetic swing. The Hulk lurches the other way midair, curling comically around her invisible bat, and sails off towards the horizon line. Hel shades her eyes with one skeletal hand and muses, "Is that a home run because I slugged a Green Monster?" She shrugs and pretends to ready her bat. "Who's the next pitcher?"

"Steve!" Tony shouts, even as he is rapidly falling away from them, desperately trying to get his suit functional again. "There are ultrasonic bracelets in my lab! They may be able to subdue Hel!"

Rogers nods to Barton and Romanoff, who close ranks and cover his back as he sprints to the Tower.

Hel has a wolfish grin on her face as she stares down the assassins, one bone sword in each hand, the chains slack behind her, wrapped around her waist in two loops, shoulders loose and ready. She will enjoy this; her nature is all about strife and she clearly can't wait to sink her swords into them.

Suddenly there is a new crack of sound and a concentrated beam of rainbow light sears down from the sky. Hel's head whips around, teeth bared. The beam slams into the Helipad of the Avenger's Tower. A flutter of red cape flashes out of the bright light and Thor drops fast towards Tony's spiraling Iron Man suit. Hel snarls and reaches telekinetically for Thor but a blast of green light slams into her from the side, blinding both Clint and Natasha.

The goddess of death staggers backwards as Loki steps from the rainbow light, cracking his knuckles, green magic crackling up his arms and into his hair. Hel's bright green eyes meet his and he holds up his index finger and crooks it inwards in a "come-at-me" gesture. Hel spins both of her swords to a backward grip, hair snapping behind her.

Loki comes to stand between Natasha and Barton.

"You didn't think to bring reinforcements?" Clint raises an eyebrow at him.

"So ungrateful," Loki retorts. "What kind of idiot do you think I am, my brother?"

The sky opens again and the air is filled with Asgardian vessels bristling with soldiers, shields raised and weapons primed. Loki smirks at Barton. "You may thank me on your knees, forehead on the ground once we dispatch the goddess of bones here," he says, jerking a thumb in Hel's direction. She is looking at the reinforcements in distaste but does not seem phased which is slightly worrying.

"How about I don't shoot you with friendly fire?" Barton reposts.

"Boys," Natasha warns.

"Is that her Mom voice?" Loki asks Clint, who can't hold back a smile.

"Ugh, babble babble, babbling brooks," Hel yells at them. "Let's get on with this, shall we? I have a hair appointment and I want to eviscerate you before my cut and curl. Do you know how hard it is to get brains out of this mass?"

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