Something Wicked's Coming...

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"Was Heimdall specific in his warning?" Thor asks the All-Father.

Galloping across the Bifrost towards Heimdall's post at the edge of Asgard, Odin glances at his son, the thundering of hooves almost drowning his reply. "It matters not what awaits us. We will deal with it when we arrive."

Thor tries not to grunt at the vague response. On his father's other side, his mother rides with them, although not dressed for war. Frigga makes for an imposing sight in her battle regalia and the fact that she is still clothed in her day dress has Thor on edge. Frigga riding with them at all is a cause for concern, even more so when she is along as a peacemaker.

Behind them, the Warriors Three and Sif are bristling for a fight. They are outfitted for war, as are Thor and Odin, but no guards accompany them, and Thor knows this means that the situation is volatile and the All-Father wants to keep it quiet until they can get a handle on the situation.

At the Bifrost portal, they dismount. Odin dismisses the extra guards at the portal with a wave of his spear. Thor adjusts his grip on his hammer as they approach the portal, able to see two silhouettes inside, one with the tall helmet of Heimdall and one kneeling, a prisoner.

As they enter, Heimdall turns his head only, slowly. "All-Father," he says in greeting, his deep voice filling the portal chamber. His sword is level with the kneeling man's throat. Thor feels a shiver of premonition work its way down his spine. The kneeling man looks up slowly with a very tired smile, green eyes flashing under matter and dirty, black hair.

"Well, hello there, family," Loki says.

Behind him, Thor can hear weapons being adjusted. No one moves for a moment, all taking in the sight of the bedraggled trickster god. He doesn't look like he's in good shape. His skin is smeared with ash and old bloodstains, armor gone, shirt ripped in gaping wounds. He holds himself as though he's dealing with abdomen injuries. Thor hates that his first thought is that this is an illusion Loki has cast to win sympathy and bring their guard down.

Frigga has no such doubts. She breaks free from Odin's side and rushes to her adopted son, Heimdall barely able to get his sword out of the way in time for her to fall to her kneels and cradle Loki's face in her hands.

Loki seems just as shocked by her affection as everyone else. "Oh, my son," Frigga whispers, magic blooming from her hands. It's then that Thor knows Loki wears no glamour. Frigga is a sorceress and she taught Loki all of her tricks. If anyone can see through his facades, it is their mother. If Loki has not healed himself yet, it is because he cannot.

Everyone watches as Frigga heals a deep wound in Loki's torso, pulling up his shirt to reveal an incision that went clean through his body, shredding organs. Loki's eyes glaze over for a moment in pain and Thor relents and comes to stand by his brother's side. Loki watches with wary eyes but Thor can see that the smaller man is too exhausted to protest treatment in front of the All-Father and former comrades. He looks older as well, a heavy burden on his shoulders, responsibility weighing him down.

"Loki," Thor says, "Where have you been? What happened that day?"

Loki's eyes shift from Thor to Odin and his lips press together in a thin line. Odin taps the end of his spear on the ground and Thor straightens under his father's steely gaze. "Heimdall said you came with a warning," the All-Father says in his commanding voice.

Loki looks at the king of Asgard with thinly veiled disgust. He almost looks like he wants to let Odin suffer. But his words come out beleaguered instead of sarcastic. "A warning, yes," he sighs. Frigga has finished her ministrations and he staggers to his feet. He weaves slightly and his mother catches him, worry all over her face. "The goddess of death is reborn."

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