vii, people's victor

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chapter seven

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chapter seven

AS SOON AS Katniss and Peeta stepped off the train, the pair were whisked away to prepare for the tribute parade. It was clear that they were unwilling to leave their mentor, but after a nod and a small wave from the Laurier girl, they were sent on their way. This left Olwyn, who hated being alone whenever she was in the Capitol, with Haymitch and Effie. The escort forced the two victors to sit at an outdoor patio table, and despite their many protests, they both ended up sitting with the escort while she waved to various other, equally ridiculous-looking, Capitol citizens and other escorts with their own groups of victors.

While District Twelve was the least respected out of all of the districts and Effie, herself, longed for a promotion to somewhere that quote 'actually had winners',  the quarter quell winner and the girl who took down the entire career pack were famous amongst the victor pool and therefore, the escort could show them off. It was clear this was her intention, as the victors had to nearly fight her in order to sit in a far off corner. Her protesting was silenced by two fierce glares and even with the pout on her face, Effie was basking in the attention focused on her and her company. Other victors sat nearby, the pair had noticed Finnick Odair who as always had his seemingly arrogant persona on full display. In addition, Cashmere and Gloss silently stared as the pair of victors pushed past. But, they paid them no mind.

The only positive that Olwyn focused on was the glowing rays of the sun, that shined down on her sickly pale face. The girl rarely saw the sun, let alone sat out in it. On hot summer days, she often spent her time gazing out at the sun or sitting playing poker with Haymitch. An odd time, Atlas would drag her out to sit on the steps of their house. But her brother wasn't an idiot and could see the girl leaning amongst the shadows, her mind far away from the confines of Victor's Village and his silly jokes. Her head was thrown back, her body slouched in her chair as Olwyn allowed herself to bask in the sunlight.

As a child, Olwyn was practically in love with the sun, her skin forever golden and sun-kissed, freckles littering every ounce of skin. Too, she had vague memories of her mother telling Olwyn she was a gift from the sun itself, the story always sending the toddler into fits of giggles. Even as she grew, the Laurier girl spent her afternoons sunbathing with her best friend.

The Everdeen girl never really knew why Olwyn loved the sun so much, but the wide smile on her best friend's face was too pretty to question. However, after the scorching, hot, ball of fire that replaced the happy sun nearly burned her alive in that arena, the girl's love had become tainted, wilted under the weight of harsh sunburn and the blood on her hands.

"You seem relaxed."

Haymitch's grumble snapped the girl from her thoughts, her brown eyes flicking open to meet his. She shrugged, stretching her arms up until she heard a small click in the centre of her shoulder blades. "I'm not relaxed, far from it", the girl confessed, tired irises studying Haymitch. Olwyn sighed, her hand coming to rest beside her mouth so she could bite her fingernails. "Just forgot how much work this was. I'm responsible for two lives. I just forgot how.... demanding it was. Especially since they're my age."

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