❕❗ Disclaimer ❗❕

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❕❗ Disclaimer ❗❕

Copyright © 2022 carlisle-cullen-fics. All rights reserved.

This is a work of fiction based off the Twilight universe which is the intellectual property of Stephenie Meyer. The author of this fanfiction holds no claim over the original Twilight series or their characters and settings.

All original characters in this fanfiction and the plot/storyline are the intellectual property of the author. This is purely written for entertainment purposes and is not a reflection on the actors who play these characters.

Please do not reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this work thereof as it is illegal and infringes on the author's right and is a sign of disrespect and disregard for the time and effort taken by the author to produce this work.

Special Note: If you see anyone who decides to repost this story anywhere as their own, kindly inform the author as well as make a report to the Wattpad team. It would mean the world.

Thank you!

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