Chapter 2 : The Meet Ups

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"Wake up!" I can hear multiple knocking sounds from the outside as the alarms start blaring. I glanced at the clock and it is only 5 am. I can't believe I am going to go through this unhealthy sleeping pattern' routine again. I quickly grab my sweatshirt that is on the chair and I put it on me.

I walk out of the room and it seems like everyone is already there. But, where is Chan? I quietly scan around, wondering if any of them starts acting strange."Okay. Shall we start?"

"No." Minho takes his pillow and throws it at Han. They have been best friends but, Han got promoted as soon as he is done with his special training. Minho has been known for his sarcastic remark."Agent Lee." He gets up and glanced at Minho.

"Okay, okay. I am awake." He widened his eyes, pretending that he is ready before he rolled his eyes at him. "I, anyway, where is Chan? He is on duty today. Chan's roommate? Hmm?"

"I don't know," Felix said. "Why? God, he can't be serious!"

*last night*

"Chan, you can't do this. How am I going to tell him?" I try to peek through the hole. "Felix, you're smart. You know that one of us should make ourselves involved with him..." Him? I slowly open the door. "Yes, we know him well... Do you remember woo in?" Felix slightly nods. "But, he is still getting his treatment. Why does he have to do with all this thing??" Chan let out a sigh.

"He is perfectly fine. It's just, that I have to keep my mouth shut. I can't tell Han about this or else, I am getting suspended... Listen, I am doing this for everyone, okay? I am not trying to put you guys in danger except agent Ambrose"

"Agent Ambrose?"

"After what she did to us and how we all suffer because of her?? Woo in and I made a plan to get rid of her. If only they know who strangle Drea to death... I can't believe she let her mum kill Drea just to be here again. How pathetic."


"Anyway, agent Ambrose, meet me in my office."'

I follow Han from behind. I held my gun close to me, while I tuck my hand into my sweatshirt. I hate how this place still makes me feel unsafe. "Yes?" He asks me to take a seat and "Before I start to assume that you are a part of all of  this, may I know if you ever contact your family?" I shake my head.

"No. I don't have any family... Han, let me tell you straight. They are strangers to me and why would I beg for them to be back in my life if they refuse to be there when I need them? I may lose them but, at least, I still got myself."

"It is just I overhead Felix and Chan's conversation." He said.

"Are you going to suspend them? Han, this is not going anywhere if you keep confronting them before we get enough evidence." He nods."You got a point. I guess we need to keep our eyes on them... Agent Ambrose, you know that you can tell me anything."

"Of course, Agent Han."

"You may go. The others are waiting for you."


"Felix, Chan was right." I immediately hide behind the locker. I wonder how long they have been gossiping at the vending machine."This is wrong, Hyunjin. We need to catch the culprit." I take my phone and place it on my ear, as I start to walk toward the dorm.

"Yes, yes, I will be there," I said and stopped walking, right when I am standing next to them. I can feel their eyes are on me but, it's easier to pretend when you had done this for years.

"Hey. Are you guys on a break?"

"Yeah... I think we should go. Let's go, Felix." Hyunjin said after he gave me once over. They both run and I have never seen someone's face look so pale. "Am I that intimidating? Gosh, these kids." I grab and twist the knob as I scan around the room. "I bought us coffee." They all look up and gather around the table. "Thank you, Agent Ambrose."

"Just call me Rosy."


"Chris. I told you, they will get suspicious if you're gone for too long."

"I know but, I just want to hear this, one more time from you, are you still with me?"

"Yes. Are you doubting me?" He raised his eyebrows causing his forehead to crease.

"I just don't want the same shit to happen. You got your tongue split in a half. Well, one time you're going to say you're in this, and another time, you're backing out from the plan..."

"Chris, you know that I won't do something without gaining something in return. Don't worry, as long as you do not stab me in the back as Drea did to me. Keep in mind, your life is in my hands."


"Guys! Chan's back!"

"Christopher, you're early." I said."Do you have any problem with that?" I only smiled at him.  "I know you hate it when I call you that, just like old days, huh?" He narrowed his eyes."Oh, right. Why are you still here? Aren't you supposed to leave by now?"

"Yeah, I was just waiting for you. Who knows you got kidnapped? I'll see you tomorrow... Bye, everyone."

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