3. Wrong one

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A little over a week had passed, Liam and Harry where still going on dates, but they hadn't done anything more than kissing and cuddling. And they hadn't made it official, so Harry was unsure if they were boyfriends or just dating, and frankly, he was afraid to ask the question. Liam came into his office one day and greeted him as always with a small kiss and a hug. "Hey you. Just wanted to let you know that I won't be around for the next week or so" he said. "Why?" Harry asked while pouting at him. "Uhm...I have my rut coming up, so I'll be at my cabin" Liam replied. Harry blushed at his words, and Liam looked at him with a smirk. "You can come with me if you want" he said, while caressing Harry's hand. Harry felt that ache in his chest again and wondered what to say. He wanted to be with Liam, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to take the next step, as a part of Liam's rut. He frowned for a second, reminding himself that they had already slept together during his own heat, even if they had never spoken about it. "Well, it's not like we haven't done it already, but I don't know if I can get off work for it" Harry slowly replied, while looking at their entwined hands on the table. Liam looked confused at him, but before he could reply, there was a knock on the door to Harry's office.

They both looked up and saw William standing in the doorway, with papers in one hand and an unreadable expression on his face. "Sorry, but I need to talk to Harry for a sec." he said, and Liam looked between the two of them with a frown, while he slowly started to walk out of the office, while he mumbled a "sure, I'll be outside". William closed the door behind him quickly and looked shyly in Harry's direction, but not quite catching his eyes. "Why did you do that? What's up?" Harry said. "You can't go with him!" William said and Harry froze. "Excuse me?" he said. "You heard me. You can't go with him to his cabin." Harry stared at him in shock.  Why did he think that that would be any of his business, and why the hell shouldn't he go with him? As if he could read his mind, William let out a sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "Sorry, I should probably explain and come clean" he started. He looked nervous and fumbled a bit with the papers in his hand, before he sat them down on the desk and placed his hands on his hips. "About a month ago my car broke down on my way back from a friends place" William started, "and my phone had no battery, so I tried to find help somehow. I knocked on a few doors, but nobody answered, until the last place I went too. The door wasn't locked and opened when I knocked on it. I really didn't mean to, but...I just couldn't control myself" he said and looked down for a moment before he looked straight into Harry's eyes, which made Harry gasped out loud, when he found himself looking into the clearest blue eyes. They seemed to hold the ocean and the sky all at once, and he felt himself falling deeper and deeper into them.

"I've never experienced anything like it, and I just felt connected to that smell so strongly, so when I saw you, I couldn't leave. I'm really sorry I did that, and that I didn't tell you or stayed afterwards, but I couldn't get myself to face you, because I knew what I did was wrong, and I had no idea if you were even dating anyone, so I left and tried to stay away, but then I saw you here, and heard Liam talking about his rut, and I can't let you go with him, even though you've probably already done it, but I really can't stay away anymore, and you deserve to know." William kept talking, but Harry didn't hear any of it. He was just frozen and shocked that it seemed like William knew about his heat, but he hadn't told anyone except Gemma about it, and William didn't start with L like Mr. L, so it didn't make any sense. "Sorry, but what?!" Harry said. "What?" William asked with a soft voice. Harry looked closely at him, "What are you saying? How do you know about that?" he asked while he once again got lost in those blue eyes. "I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean to disturb you or intrude like that" William started, "but I can't let you go with him, and I really would want to take you out for dinner, get to know you better" he said while he took a step towards Harry, and lifted his right hand to gently touch Harry's cheek. They locked eyes for several moments, before Harry's phone started ringing. William stepped back quickly and put his hands in his pockets. "Just let me know" he said before he left and Harry stood alone in his office, more confused than ever and with a tingly feeling on his cheek after William's touch.

Liam walked in just a few seconds later, still looking confused. "So...you were saying?" Harry tried to rewind his mind and remember the conversation he had with Liam earlier. "Yeah, sorry about that" he said. "Seems there have been some sort of mistake...not sure how to say this, but you deserve the truth. Just before we met, I was in heat, and someone was with me. I thought it was you because...well, they left a note from "Mr. L" and I really like you, and you're most definitely an alpha, so I just assumed, I guess. Really sorry about that". Liam looked at him with a slightly hurt expression, but then he grinned and ran his palms over his faced while he sighed. "I really like you too Harry, but I had no idea that you were the guy Louis accidently spent a heat with back then. I would never come between you two now that I know" he said while smiling. "Go on a date with him, get to know him and see what happens. Good luck." Liam started walking towards the door, but Harry quickly grabbed his arm. "Louis who?" he asked, still confused, and somehow also intrigued about this bizarre event that had happened to him. "Louis...sorry, you know him as William at work. Louis William Tomlinson is his name." Liam laughed slightly at him while he left. "Good luck to the both of you" he said before he disappeared through the door and Harry quickly sat down in his chair, his chin on his folded hands before he let out a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. Mr. L. was Louis William Tomlinson, the son of the CEO of the company, the alpha no one had met, and who was destined to take over after his father one day. The one who just waited to be in charge, who had more money and power than anyone else, and if he wanted to, could get anyone he chose, just because of his position. The one with the deep blue eyes, the soft touch and the one who had left him so completely satisfied when he was in heat. Harry felt his cheeks burn from the memories that suddenly came flooding into his mind. He couldn't believe it, but felt himself smiling at the memories, and he knew he wouldn't be able to work anymore today, so he left soon after, trying to think what his next move should be.

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