7. You've changed

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The next morning Harry was exhausted. He hadn't slept much as his mind kept going in circles with "what ifs" about Louis, pups and the mate thing Gemma had told him about. It was a lot, and Harry had spent the night being restless and when he finally fell asleep his dreams were filled with images of him and Louis with pups and even if the images made Harry smile, he was nowhere near ready for them to become a reality this soon, and he didn't really want to have that conversation with Louis. When he entered his office, he smiled as his eyes caught the bouquet Louis had sent him on Friday, before their date and the amazing weekend they had shared. He read the card one more time and put it in his bag to take home with him, just so no one would ask about Mr. L. His mind went back to his worry about his suppressants, and he let out a deep sigh as he sat down at his desk and tried to bring his attention to work. He was surprised by a knock on the door and when he looked up, he saw Sarah standing in his doorway with a curious expression and a smirk that told him she already had a pretty good idea of how his date had gone, though she didn't know that the date hadn't ended for over 48 hours. "Hello Sarah" he answered and tried his best to look as neutral as possible. "Good morning, Harry. How was your date on Friday? Did you get home late?" She didn't even try to be subtle, and it was one of the things Harry loved about her. There was no bullshit, and everything was straight forward with her. If she wanted to know something, she would figure out how to get the answer the fastest way possible. "I got home at a reasonable hour" Harry said while he tried to hide a smirk and felt his cheeks blush. He got that buzzing feeling in his chest when he thought of Louis and the date, and Sarah noticed the change in him immediately. Her focus went to something outside the office, and she nodded in his direction before smiling back at Harry. A few seconds later Louis walked into the office wearing a shirt almost identical to the one he had on Friday night, along with a pair of skinny jeans and Harry couldn't take his eyes off him. "Hey gorgeous" he said as he walked straight over to Harry and kissed him while caressing his cheek. "Did you miss me as much as I missed you last night?" he whispered so only Harry could hear him. "I believe I did sweetheart" Harry said while inhaling Louis' scent and with that his entire body relaxed and he felt calm again. Sarah noticed and her jaw dropped at the little interaction. "Holy shit, Harry? William? What was that?!" "What was what?" Louis asked in return with a small frown on his face. "Harry just sniffed you and you're both glowing just by that small kiss. This is insane! I never knew it was real, but that is proof enough that all the stories are true." "Sarah, calm down please. It was nothing. Now would you mind getting back to work and give us a moment? Please close the door on your way out." Harry said and watched her frown before she smiled again and left them alone. "Do you know what she is talking about? Did you sniff me? And what does that even mean?" Harry cut off Louis' rambling with a small giggle and a light peck, while he ran a hand through his soft hair and pulled him down to sit on his lap. "I have an idea but it's not really something I want to be talking about at work, so can we meet up afterwards? Maybe dinner..." Harry asked while running one hand up and down Louis's back and the other one squeezing his thigh. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad, I promise" he said as he saw the frown Louis had on his face. "Okay, and yes I would love to have dinner with you...my place this time?" "Sure, I would love to see your place." "Great, I'll text you the address later" Louis put a hand in his curls and kissed him deeply before he sighed and got up. "I got to get to work, but I'll text you soon baby" He bend down to kiss Harry one more time before he left the office with a wink and Sarah came back in almost immediately.

Harry couldn't hide the smile on his face even he had wanted to, so he didn't bother trying but just grinned at Sarah. She laughed at him and closed the door. "So, I assume the date went well..." she started with a small smirk and hands on her hips. Harry motioned for her to have a seat in the chair on the other side of his desk. "It did...we ended up at my place and let's just say it was the greatest weekend I've ever had." Harry blushed slightly and Sarah just laughed at him. "I'd say! But what's with the sniffing thing? Harry, do you know what it usually means?" "I have an idea" he said with a small smile. "I spoke to my sister yesterday and she also implied there's something extraordinary at play here, but I don't know if I'm quite ready for it yet. We haven't spoken about it; I just yearn for his smell whenever we're apart and it's moving so fast it's hard to keep up. I know I should take it slow and be frightened, but I'm just not. It's scary yes, but at the same time it feels so right and naturel." Sarah looked stunned at his words and Harry himself were a little surprised about his honesty and the seriousness behind the words he had just spoken. "You've changed" Sarah said with a smile, "I like this new mature Harry" she winked at him, and he let out a small giggle while leaning back in his chair. "I believe I have" he said as he relaxed and accepted this new side of him. He felt at ease with everything, even the chance of being pregnant didn't seem so daunting to him as it had this morning. He still wasn't sure how to talk to Louis about it, but he knew he had to do it, they had to discuss the issue and hopefully it would work itself out one way or the other.

Later that day Louis picked up Harry and as they pulled out of the car park Louis put his hand on Harry's thigh and smiled at him. "I was thinking that maybe we could go to your place first and you could pack a bag so you could stay over tonight..." He almost whispered the last part, unsure of Harry's reaction but Harry just felt butterflies at the suggestion and smiled widely back at him. "Sure, I would love that". Louis' smile widened and he got those crinkles by his eyes that Harry adored so much already. Harry ended up packing a few sets of clothes and his toiletries before he quickly locked up the apartment and they headed towards Louis' house. Harry couldn't believe it when they pulled up to a gate and Louis entered the code. The house in front of them were huge and well kept. It was two-stories with a large deck all the way around and a balcony on the first floor as well. Louis grabbed his hand as they entered the house and Harry's eyes went wide at the sight. A huge white hall with a massive staircase going upstairs, decorated with elegant and timeless furniture led into an open area with a large living room and a dining area. The entire wall on one side were made of windows and a door gave access to the large patio with a BBQ area as well as some lounge furniture and a huge swimming pool on one side. Everything overlooked the garden which was large and full of flowers. An ideal place to grow a family. The thought popped into Harry's head without warning, and he gasped a little as the image from his dream suddenly returned in these surroundings. "Do you like it?" Louis asked as he stood beside Harry and placed his hand on his back. "It's beautiful, absolutely breathtaking" Harry answered and smiled at him. "Indeed, it is breathtakingly beautiful" Louis said while locking eyes with Harry. "I was talking about the view of the garden" "I wasn't" Harry blushed at the compliment. "Show me the kitchen?" He asked Louis and he led them there, were they met an elderly woman cooking something on the huge stove and making a salad on the side. "Hello Mr. Louis" she said as they entered "Who's this?" "This is my boyfriend Harry" Louis said as he wrapped his arm around Harry's middle. "And this is Mary, my housekeeper and the best cook in the world". "Hello Mr. Harry. Nice to meet you." She said as she shook Harry's hand and gave him a huge smile. Harry liked her immediately "Hi Mary, nice to meet you too. It smells delicious in here." "Thank you sweety. Please let me know if there's anything you don't like or want me to make, and I'll do it for you." "Oh, you don't have to..." he started but she cut him off. "Nonsense! It's my job to keep you guys fed and the house clean, and I will do so, so just let me know what you want okay? Besides, you have to put up with Louis here, so it's the least I can do" She grinned at him, and Harry couldn't help to let out a small giggle. "Okay, that's a deal then" he said with a big smile at her.

After the tour of the house, they sat down outside in the lounge area, sharing one of the couches and enjoying the afternoon sun. Harry laid down on his back with his head in Louis' lap as the older man played with his curls. Harry looked up at him and admired his cheekbones and those thin lips that felt so good on his own. Louis was looking out over the garden and had a dreamy look on his face as he let out a deep sigh. "What are you thinking about sweetheart?" "You, me, this..." Louis smiled down at him before he once again looked out onto the sunset. Harry giggled and poked Louis chest "Be more specific Lou" "I was just enjoying the feeling of having you here with me. I really missed you last night and didn't sleep very well without you. Isn't that crazy? Especially considering we didn't really know each other before Friday." "I know. I feel the same and it's both scary and amazing at the same time. Although not so scary now compared to how I felt last night." "What do you mean?" Louis asked and looked down at him with a frown.

"Well...after you left yesterday my sister called and she told me some things about our situation which made me wonder and worry most of the night, and then this morning with Sarah kind of cleared most of it up for me." "Does this have to do with the sniffing?" Louis asked and looked even more confused than before. "Kind of. The thing is...I don't really know how to explain this, but the thing is that the heat we spent together was my first heat since I turned 18. I've been on suppressants ever since and never had an issue with them until now. My sister kept asking if I'd met someone when it started but I hadn't. Well at least not that I knew of. The day it started I got this weird feeling in my body as soon as I got to work and I really didn't think anything of it, but it turns out that that was the first day you and Liam joined my part of the company, so you were the one who triggered it. We just didn't know each other yet. Every time I got the feeling you were near, and I still get it every time we meet. Fast forward to last week and as soon as I kissed you on Friday, I knew that I needed your scent around me all the time, so every time we depart, I get this need to inhale as much of your scent as possible to keep me satisfied while we're apart. It's called sniffing in the old stories of omegas and alphas." Louis looked stunned and his mouth opened as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out, so he closed it again and Harry decided to continue."

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