9. Piece of heaven

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During the next couple of weeks Harry had succesfully moved all of his belongings into the house, and he loved to walk into every room and just see his things in Louis' home. It could be his colorful pillows on the couch, their combined shoes by the door, the fruitbasket on the kitchen counter he had been gifted from his mom once, or even his toothbrush in the bathroom along with the extra hairproducts that had taking up one of the shelves in the shower. Harry felt more domestic and loved to help Mary keep the place nice and clean. Louis seemed to enjoy it as well, although he had been a bit quiet lately and Harry started to feel uneasy about it. "Lou, can we talk" he started one evening when they had just sat down to watch a movie in the living room. He could almost instantly feel Louis tense up. "Sure...what about?" Louis asked but he kept looking anywhere but Harry. "I just...what's wrong baby? I feel like something is off, and I want to know what I've done so I can fix it. If it's too soon for me to live here it's okay, I can just find somewhere else or take the spare bedroom or remove some of my stuff so it's not all over the place, just please tell me so I can fix it. I don't want to loose you Lou!" Harry felt close to tears as he looked at Louis and tried to hold it together. Louis looked shocked and stunned. He let out a sigh "Sweetheart, no! Don't think like that. It has nothing to do with you, or your stuff or the fact that you live here! I love having you here with me! It makes me feel at home, safe, loved for, understood, relaxed and so much more! I love it! I love you, and I'm sorry I have been distracted lately, it's just a work thing with my dad that I'm trying to resolve. I shouldn't take it out on you baby, I'm so sorry. Please don't ever feel like I don't want you here. You're everything to me. You make me want to come home, and cuddling up with you every night is my own personal piece of heaven!"

Harry had stopped breathing and just looked at Louis with tears in his eyes. "I'm so sorry baby" Louis said as he pulled Harry in for a hug and kissed his forehead several times. Harry let out a small giggle and Louis pulled away to look at him, slightly confused. "You said it" Harry smiled widely and could feel himself blushing. "You actually said it Lou". "Said what...oh, yeah, I guess I did didn't I?! Well it's true so why not" He smiled back, that eyecrinkling smile that Harry loved so much. He cupped Harry's face and ran his thumbs over his cheeks. Louis placed a small kiss on Harry's nose and looked him straight in his eyes. "I love you Harry Styles" he said and Harry felt his chest bursting with ache, need and love for this beautiful man currently holding his face and looking at him like he was his whole world. "I love you too Louis Tomlinson. So so much! My own beautiful Lou" Harry whispered before he connected their lips and poured all of his love and emotions into is, just to show Louis exactly how much he was loved. That night Louis made sweet love to Harry and worshipped every inch of his body. They both whispered "I love you" before gentle kisses send them both to sleep, tangled up in the sheets and connected by the familiar knot.

The next day Harry couldn't focus on work and several times found himself just staring at nothing and daydreaming about their night and the way Louis had looked at him when he told him he loved him for the first time. At lunchtime he couldn't stop smiling shyly at Louis and just had to kiss him once more after whispering "I love you" to him when they finished and had to separate. Louis said it right back and kissed the tip of his nose with that smile of his. Harry felt like the luckiest man alive. Until it all came crashing down later that day.

Sarah had been in his office working with him on a new project when he got a phonecall telling him to immediately attend an emergency meeting about the project they had just turned in. He quickly went over there, just to see everyone, including Liam and Louis there. He walked up to them and wrapped his arm around Louis' waist and in return Louis wrapped his arm around Harry. It turned out that the problem with the project wasn't that big of a deal and they could quickly fix it with just a few changes. But when they were about to leave, the boss informed them that there would be a huge mandatory, company dinner the following week, at which the future of the company and the new CEO Louis Tomlinson would be revealed to all. Everybody let out a gasp and both Liam and Harry looked surprised at Louis, who just looked down on the floor. Harry frowned. "Babe" he started but Louis cut him off. "Please, not now. I'll explain later" He said before hastily leaving the meeting. Liam looked at Harry confused and it suddenly dawned on Harry that if everybody found out that Louis and William were the same person, they would also find out that he was dating and living with the CEO. That also meant that they would find out that he was an omega and he had experienced too many times what that meant to the alphas who didn't believe he could do his job just because an omega's place was at home. He had to talk to Louis about it and very very soon by the looks of it.

When Harry came home, he  found Louis on one of the lounge chairs outside, just staring at the view and stirring his tea around, which seemed to have gone cold by now. "Hey" he said while sitting down next to him and taking his hand. "Want to talk about it?" Harry said while he stroked Louise knuckles and tried to relax the upset alpha. Louis gave him a small smile and let out a deep breath. "The CEO...My dad..." Louis started to have tears running down his cheeks and it scared Harry, who immediately moved Louis onto his lap and wrapped him up in a hug while he stroked his back. "It's okay sweety, take your time. Deep breaths. I'm here for you" He kept whispering sweet nothings until Louis got himself together and continued. "It's cancer..they can't cure it and he's getting weaker by the day. He's dying Harry, and I have to take over before it's too late. But I'm not the alpha he is. What if I'm not ready, or good enough, or fail all of you. What if I destroy the company?! I've always been the quiet alpha, not the traditional strong and hardheaded one. What if I'm too soft, too gentle? You know I hate to tell people what to do and boss them around. Just because I'm born as an alpha doesn't make me more qualified to do the work. It shouldn't depend on that. What if I'm not good enough or strong enough to do this? I can't let him down, I can't loose him Harry. He's my dad!" Louis started crying again and Harry was at a loss on how to help him. He understood how he felt, and he would probably have been feeling the same, had he been in Louis' shoes. The task of taking over the company so young was huge, and on top of that, his dad was dying. Harry hugged Louis closer and tried to calm him down. Harry decided to carry Louis to bed and after he had laid him down and removed his clothes, except his boxers, he cuddled him close and Louis cried himself to sleep with his head on Harry's chest.

The next morning Harry was woken up by Louis' fingers gently caressing his stomach while he just laid there and looked out the window, still with his head on Harry's chest. Harry gave him a light squeeze with the arm around his back and started to run his fingers through his hair. "Goodmorning my sweet Lou. How are you feeling?" Louis cuddled closer to his body and rested his chin on Harry's chest when he looked up at him. "I'm okay I think. Sorry about last night" he said. "No Lou, you have nothing to be sorry about. I just want to be here for you, always will be. I'm yours, I love you, remember?" Harry smiled and kissed his forehead. "I know, and I love you too" Louis said with a small smile. "I think...I think I want you to meet him, my dad I mean...before it's too late." "You would? I would love to meet him if it's okay with you. The amazing man with the amazing son currently in my arms" "Can we go today? I should really visit him and my mom soon. I haven't seen them in so long and I would really like them to meet my omega". "Your omega would love to meet them as well, and ofcourse we can go today." Harry gave him a small kiss and they spend a little longer just cuddling before they got ready to start the day, and apparently meeting the inlaws.

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