15. The Management

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When they came back from lunch on the next day, Louis was called into an emergency meeting and was met with a room full of people, from managers to department leaders and all in between. It seemed like the entire department was there. Not knowing what was going on he took his seat at the end of the table as usual, while Harry sat by the door, ready to take notes as always. "Alright, what's the reason we're all here?" Louis asked as he looked around the room. "He is!" Bruce said as he stood up and pointed at Harry. Harry's stomach turned to knots and he immediately knew what this was about. He gulped as his eyes met Louis'. Louis sent him a questioning look, but before Harry could say anything Bruce went on a ramt about his incompetence, and how he always seemed to get special treatment and didn't do his job probably. Louis thankfully remained calm and kept his cool, until Bruce had to stop for air and he was cut off by another alpha who proceeded to tell Louis about how Harry had responded to Bruce the Day prior. Harry refused to be treated ad a typical omega, since he knew that none of it was his fault, so he just sat there, kept his cool and looked across the room. Some people sent him andet glares, others sympathetic smiles and some refused to meet his glance at all. When he locked eyes with Sara who sat with Liam and looked close to tears, Harry knew that this was not just about him, but about all the omegas in the company, all facing the same struggle to do their jobs because the alphas deemed them unable to do so. He looked back at Louis and the alpha currently speeking about yesterdays event. Bruce followed up with yet another ramt about Harry's incompetence, none of which was true, and thankfully Harry knew that Louis knew that too.

"We will not accept that such a low omega gets special treatment just because he's your boytoy for the Month!" Bruce ended his second rant looking rather please with himself and the alphas who agreed with him, all of whom were a part of the current management team. "ENOUGH!" Louis used his alpha Voice for the first time ever at work, and the room felt sultent immediately. "First of all, nobody speaks about anybody like that! It's common respect for another human being, regardless of their second gender, and I will not tolerate it at all. Is that understood?" He looked directly at Bruce who only nodded shortly as he sat back down. "Secondly, and now I want to hear from all the assistents and planners in the room, have any of you experienced any problems in regards to Harry and his work?" They all answered no and seemed relieved to be heard and get a chance to get defend Harry, who still hadn't said anything. "It seems like the only people in here having an issue with his work, is you few alphas, so I will ask you to stay after the rest leaves so we Can talk about this, because I do think I know what the issue really is, and that's not something that you alphas want to discuss in front of everyone Else. Thirdly, and most importantly, Harry would you please come up here for a second?" Louis sent him a reassuring smile and Harry took a deep breath as he locked eyes with Louis and made his Way to him. When he Got there Louis took his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. "I think now is the time baby" he whispered to Harry and Harry nodded and turned around to face the crowd. "You do it, tell them the truth sweetheart" Louis whispered in his ear. Harry gulped and looked shortly at Sara who had a huge smile on her face and gave him a thumbs up. He took the reassurance and looked directly at the alphas and finally at Bruce as he spoke. "I'm sorry to destroy your dreams of getting rid of me, but I'm not about to go anywhere. This is as much my company as it is Louis'. We're not just dating, we live together and we're engaged." "That doesn't mean anything! You're replaceable when he finds his true mate, one worthy and obedient enough to not get in the way at work!" Bruce huffed and had on a satisfied smirk. "I am his perfect mate and I have the future of this company and it's employee in my hands, alongside Louis and with his parents blessing may I add." "You are NOT his mate so fuck of and make room for one who is more suitable" a woman suddenly interrupted. She was clearly an omega and had so much makeup on that she looked like a doll, and her dress was so lowcut that Harry got scared her boobs would pop out when she took a breath.

Louis bursted out laughing and Harry looked at him with a small smile, this entire situation was just stupid. "Sorry miss, but I'm not interrested. I'm very gay and also very taken so no thank you." Louis said to the woman who looked surprised and blinked her long eyelashes in an attempt to look seductive which failed completely. Louis loosened his tie and undid his top buttons so he could move the fabric away from his mating mark and show them all that he was indeed taken. The entire room gasped before applaus were heard and people started to yell congratulations at them. Louis grapped Harry and kissed him tenderly as the sound got louder. "Always mine, always yours" he said before reconnecting their lips and Harry let his hand cup Louis neck as hbe kissed him back. After most of the people had congratulated them and Sara and Liam had demanded a catch-up-dinner for details later, everyone had left the room, except Louis, Harry, Bruce and the few other alphas who had backed him up.

"You have two choices" Louis started. "You can either walk away right now and never return to this company again, or you can apologize to my omega and I, and you get the chance to re-apply for your job through the new anonymous system at HR, along with everyone else who might be interested. The choice is yours, but let me remind you that this is OUR company and everyone within it will be treated with the same respect and as equals, regardless of their secondary gender. If you have a problem with that, and with working side by side and under an omega, then I suggest you find another company to terrorise and save us all the time." Harry felt pride in his chest as he stood side by side with his alpha, who left no doubt about Harry's worth and the position he held. This was the moment they had been working for and the future they were trying to create. Together, as equals. None of the other alphas said a word and just looked among themselves trying to figure out what to do. "Now would be a good time to give us your answer, as we have a company to run and a few positions to let HR know are open." Harry said with his most ferm voice, and Louis beamed at him and gave him a wink along with a smile. "I'm out. Never will I work under an omega" Bruce huffed as he stood up and left the room. "Then you wont be missed" was all Louis replied as he waited for the others to make up their mind. They all chose to apologize to both of them, and Louis would let them know when and how to reapply for their jobs.

Once that was done and they had left, Harry let out a deep sigh and rubbed his face with his hands. That had been one hell of an exchausting afternoon. "You ok?" Louis asked as he came over and wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. "Yeah, that was unexpected but necessary apparently. Thanks for your support Lou" "Always Haz, remember that. I wasn't kidding. This is our company and you know that." "Yeah, I do. And now everyone else knows it too." Harry smiled and his arms wrapped around Louis' neck as he played with the hair in the back. "I'm really proud of you Haz, you stood tall and showed them the leader you naturally are. You're a way better leader and human then they'll ever be. I love this side of you. I love you, as my assistent, my lover, my fiancé and my own personal boss." "You like me as the boss?" "I do like you as the boss...the boss of the company, of our home, of me and, most importantly, of my body..." Louis placed kisses down Harry's neck as he spoke and his hands came down to grap Harry's ass. Harry tucked on Louis' hair and made the alpha suppress a moan. "Make a sound and you'll be punished when we get home. Get me home quickly and the boss will reward you." Louis' eyes widened and he took in a sharp breath. Harry could feel the immediate effect his words had on Louis, and he wasn't uneffected by the game they were playing himself. "Fuck Haz, don't say stuff like that to me at work!" "We're the bosses, we can leave early today, no more meetings or anything. You drive, and I'll inform HR about the situation on the way." "Okay, lets get out of here" They left the company in a hurry, hand in hand and with big smiles on both of their face.

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