Final Chapter: The Beautiful End (Part 2)

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As we thought on, Abner asked me, "Lady Mary, are you exhausted?"

"A little bit. Why?"

"I do not understand why but I just got that feeling. This has never happened before."

"Weird. But anyway, we're almost done out here!"

After finishing off the last of the Page Imps with Mrs. Cromwell, we changed back and ran into the tower to check on the others. We first found the Lenoir twins on the ground, exhausted and with bruises all over them. Abner got right to work healing Bridget. As I tried to help Bennett up, I started to produce the same light Abner did when he used his healing powers.

"Since when could you do that?" Bennett asked

"What's happening to me?" asked Mary.

"You gained my healing abilities." replied Abner, "First I could tell how your body was feeling and now this?"

"Yeah, it's scaring me that I don't know what's going on. Wait, since when was I scared of the unknown? I get excited, but not scared like I'm feeling now. Could it be...your scared Abner?"

"A bit. Am I losing my connection to Excalibur? If so what will happen to me? Will I start aging again or will the years I've stayed alive all catch up to me and-"

"Don't think like that, Abner!"

"I cannot help but worry. What if you end up having to live forever like me? As incredible as the Sacred Blades are, their existence brings about new you saw with Emrys, for example."

"And we'll solve those problems together. We're Kamen Rider Shine, nothing can beat us."

"Well said, Lady Mary. Let us go see if the rest of our comrades need healing."


Mark was still reeling from Discord's sneak attack as she taunted him, "Come on, Mark. There's not much time left. You'll lose your Ride Books any moment now!"

Mark struggled to get back on his feet and tried to transform again, but by then, his Ride Books had vanished.

"No!" he cried.

Discord smiled, "That look! It's perfect! I'm so glad I get to see the moment you lose all hope! It was more than worth the wait! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, Mark Stanley! I couldn't have asked for a better hero. Out of respect, I'll be sure to make this quick."

Discord attempted to strike Mark, but stopped when a bright rainbow light shined from his hand. A new Ride Book appeared, Wonder Almighty.

"How is that possible?" asked Discord, "Dream World is fading away."

"You can get rid of Dream World, but you can't get rid of our ability to dream. Our ability to imagine!" Rowan explained.

"We're gonna save Dream World!" I insisted.

"And everyone's ending will be a happy one!" said Mark.

Mark opened Wonder Almighty and it read aloud, "This is the tale of boy who became a knight, made many friends, and with the powerful ensured the world's ending would be a happy one."

Why did it sound like Mark, Rowan, and my voices put together?

"Turn the page!"

This time when Mark transformed, he looked just like Wonder Volume One, but he was much stronger.

"Kamen Rider Wonder Almighty! A new story is born!" announced Wonder Almighty.

With a wave of his hand, Mark recreated our Ride Books in seconds. Rowan and I went into our first volume forms as well. We summoned a dragon, a lion, and a genie to attack Discord before charging at her oursleves. Our base forms were now strong enough to keep up with Discord. She jumped back to get some distance between us.

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