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 At the beginning of the universe, the infinite void was getting filled by the Stellar King Veldanava.

 He started his world creation few hundred years ago out of boredom and lonliness and hadn't stop doing it ever since. When he first started to create the worlds, some part of him was like, 'Why do I have to do such a tiresome work?'. However his boredom was greater than that.

 Surely it was a good thing that the empty void was getting filled with life. However, at some point problems began to appear.

 Veldanava was so obsessed with his hobby of world creating which eventually led him to make too much world that he just can't manage all of them. Well, he didn't really manage every world in the first place, but put that aside for now. There were simply too much world.

 Velzard, who was at that time, the only true dragon existing except Veldanava, noticed this gorwing problem and tried to tell him to stop, but he just wouldn't listen to her

 After her advise got ignored fot the thousandth time, Velzard had enough of talking. Her tamper had reached its limit at last. Actually, it was a miracle that she hold it until now. As her accumulated anger exploded she rushed to her brother.

 Veldanava was creating another world as usual. This time it was a world covered in ice and snow. Seeing this, Velzard was tempted to urge him to continue, but her anger was greater than that.

 Velzard reached to the back of the creator and smacked his head with the hilt of her sword.


 The shockwave of the single strike surged through the space and destroyed multiple worlds, shattering them into millions of pieces. That exactly showed how much Velzard was angry at him.

"Hey! What was that for?" (Veldanava)

 Veldanava said while rubbing the back of his head and turning around, only to meet icy cold glare of his sister. He rarely saw this glare from her sister, however he knew very well that it wasn't a good sign.

"Do you remeber how many times I told you to stop creating more worlds?" (Velzard) asked with a scary smile.

"You said that to me? Why can't I rememb-" (Veldanava)


 Veldanava was stopped by another strike on his head, followed by a thundering shockwave.

"I told you that exactly a thousand times and you didn't even listen for a single time!" (Velzard) shouted in anger making the creator of universe shiver in fear.

"I- I'm sorry..." (Veldanava) said as he trembled in fear.

"Now brother, from now on, you will not create another world unless it is absolutely necessary. Understood?" (Velzard) said with a cold and scary smile making the creator flinch in fear.

"O- okay..." (Veldanava)

"Also I need you to create three more beings." (Velzard)

 Veldanava's eyes sparkled at the mention of creating, only to meet Velzard's deadly glare.

"Don't even think about creating something useless like before. What you need to create is the one who will create, the one who will destory, and the one who will manage. Creator will fill the useful world you made. Destroyer will destroy useless worlds. Finally when those two are done, manager will manage the worlds to their right track." (Velzard)

'That was a lot of explanation.' (Veldanava)

 Veldanava almost spoke his thought outwardly, but restrained it just in time.

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