Paw-tner in Crime

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Summary: Jade's dog throws a temper tantrum and refuses to get up from the ground to go home. Luckily, Perrie is there to save the day.

A/N: Inspired by the dog training part from the Mix It Up series, because Jade and Iraida were a hilarious (and legendary) duo. P.S. I'm still working on the angsty one shot, but it'll come, don't worry!

Jade feels her heart drop as her dog starts whining because she knows what's about to happen next. She can feel the impending doom.

"No, Iraida, please don't," Jade pleads as she tries to tug her dog a little further down the park's path, "Iraida ."

It's too late.

The Afghan Hound's body drops right to the ground, making both parties freeze in their spots.

Jade groans and walks back to her dog, kneeling down next to the furry creature and pointing a finger at her angrily, "Iraida, we need to get back home. I have an essay to write!"

Jade doesn't think to pay much attention to anyone who's staring at her (there are a lot of people staring at her) as she tries to reason with her dog who just looks away in disinterest.

"And now you won't even look at me? You are being very rude right now," Jade grumbles.

Nothing happens. Jade changes her tactics.

"Please, Iraida, let's go," Jade asks with an overly sweet voice as she gently pats Iraida's head twice before standing up and trying to tug the dog onwards.

It doesn't work.

Iraida stays put and whines some more, flipping onto her back.

Jade really does try to tug at the dog's leash but Iraida's too strong and Jade's too weak. She huffs and walks back over (more like she stomps back over), kneeling down in front of her dog again and gathering Iraida's face in her hands.

"Iraida, I will give you all the treats in the world if you go home with me right now because I need to write this essay that's due tonight," Jade tries to negotiate with her dog who, clearly, has no interest in negotiations. Though Iraida's ears do perk up a bit as she hears the word 'treats', she still stares blankly at her owner.

"Let's go," Jade says with a bit more pep, trying to transfer some of her energy to Iraida, too. She hops up and starts jumping around and Iraida's tail starts to wag so Jade starts walking again and...

Iraida's tail stops and she lowers her head.

"Iraida! Are you kidding me?!" Jade whines frustratingly.

"Here," a new voice says from behind Jade.

Jade, startled, turns around and spots a beautiful blonde girl handing her a little pouch of dog treats.

"Huh, what?" Jade responds dumbly.

The stranger smiles and gestures to Iraida's ongoing temper tantrum, "To give your dog a reason to follow you."

It's then that Jade notices the small dog behind the girl's legs. It whines and yelps as the blonde shakes the bag of treats. Jade looks back up at the girl who's still holding out the bag and she takes it graciously.

"Thank you," Jade says with a bright smile, her ears turning pink as she laughs, "Iraida gets like this sometimes. She's always been a bit stubborn."

"How do you deal with Iraida without treats?" the blonde asks. Jade fiddles with the bag in her hands.

"I usually have to call my friend and he carries her back to my place," Jade admits, embarrassed.

Though she does end up feeling more accomplished than embarrassed because she's managed to make the gorgeous girl in front of her laugh loudly.

"Well, maybe the treats might work better," she says, motioning for Jade to try.

Jade turns around and spots her dog laying down superman-style, head resting on her front paws. She's as cute as she is a pain in the ass, really.

Jade sighs and holds out the bag of treats, shaking it to make noise.

Iraida sniffles the air and her ears perk up.

"Iraida... if we go home right now so I can start my essay, I'll give you this bag of treats," Jade says, still shaking the bag. Iraida's tail slowly starts to wag and when Jade opens the bag, Iraida hops up off of the ground to jump onto Jade.

Nearly Jade's height when standing on her hind legs, Iraida towers over the small, fluffy Pomeranian who's come out from behind his owner's legs to paw at Jade's ankle.

"Alright, okay," Jade carefully pushes Iraida off her, giving one treat to the dog before turning around. She spots the Pomeranian and gives him a treat too, before looking up at the pretty girl. "Thank you so much. I honestly have no idea how to repay you."

The stranger grins. "How about giving me your phone number?"


Another laugh.

"Your phone number," the blonde repeats. "I'd like to get to know you better."

Jade's heart starts to race as she contemplates the meaning behind those words. She can't tell if the girl's just outgoing and social and wants to be friends with her or whether the girl's outgoing and social and wants to date her. Jade really hopes it's the latter.

"I... sure, I'll type it in your phone," Jade shakes her head, trying to clear her jumbled thoughts. She doesn't believe any of this is happening. Her cheeks feel warm as she asks, "What's your name?"

"Perrie," the blonde replies as she holds out her phone to Jade, who takes it. "And yours?"

"Jade," the brunette responds, carefully picking out the biscuit emoji next to her name. She cautiously chooses her next words, "Why do you want to... know me better?"

"Because you're cute and I'd love to take you on a date," Perrie says as if it's obvious. "But if you're not interested in that way, I'd still like to be just your fr-"

"Yes!" Jade blurts out. Perrie blinks once and then Jade's rushing to explain, words fumbling out of her mouth before she can even register them in her brain, "I mean... yes, I'd like to go on a date with you."

Perrie lets out a laugh and nods.

"Oh, okay, great," she says, still laughing, "I'll call you and we'll make plans, yeah?"

"Y-yeah," Jade says, cheeks pink. "Thank you, again, for helping, you know, with Iraida."

"No problem at all," Perrie says before giving a small wave and walking off.

Once Perrie's out of sight, Jade looks at Iraida and grins.

She tries to ignore the persistent feeling of butterflies in her stomach.

"For once, your temper tantrums have come in handy," she says, reaching down and ruffling up her dog's silky fur. "You're gonna get a lot of treats when we get home."

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