Chapter 2: Newest member of the family

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~Time skip to next day~

Starlight sat in the train station for Berlint with the Handler. She and the Handler got on the train and started talking about the details of the mission. "Starlight, as you know your job is to assist agent Twilight on Operation <strix>. To do this you need to attend Eden Academy and befriend the eldest son of the Desmond family, Demetrius-." "ugghh why is she telling me this again? When am I gonna beat some up? Or catch a bad guy? Her endless rants are so boring they make me want to pull out my hair." Thought Starlight. "Renee, are you listening?" said the Handler. "Renee? Did you already forget my name?" "No, from this day forward your name is Renee. Renee Forger. My people are still working on your ID but you'll go by that name for the rest of the mission." "Wait, can I choose the name? The name Renee is lame."

"No, my decision is final. Besides, the ID is almost done." "Ok fine whatever." Said Starlight, now Renee, annoyed. "Today you'll be meeting your new family, Loyd, Yor, and Anya Forger." "Wait, I'm getting a fake family? Are you sure that's necessary?" Said Renee hesitant. "It's absolutely crucial. Loyd Forger is actually agent Twilight and he's undercover as a psychiatrist." "Oh I see.." "Is there a problem?" "Um no It's nothing." Said Renee. "Won't people find it suspicious that I got adopted out of the blue?" "No they won't. We told you about this yesterday but to everyone else they've already known you were coming for a month." The rest of the train ride to the Forger's apartment was silent.

The Handler and Renee finally arrived at the Forger's residence. The handler rang the doorbell. Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden? Ok Starlight just breathe in and out. Thought Starlight nervously. Before she could even start breathing, she heard small approaching footsteps coming to get the door. The door flung open and there stood a small girl with pink hair, excited green eyes, and small black horns connected to her head. She had a wide smile on face and then she said "Hello big sis!" She's so adorable! Anya's smile grew wider. Just then Loyd and Yor came to the door and looked at her with greeting eyes. "Hello Renee, it's a pleasure to meet you. Please come in!" Said the woman with dark hair and the man in a nice pressed green suit. Renee walked in with a smile on her face and her luggage in her hand. The handler was walking away but Yor called out to her and invited her into the apartment too. The handler refused and walked away.

In the living room sat a pink haired girl, a dark haired woman, a blonde haired man, and a brunette who wished to not have to live with strangers for the rest of her mission. "Hi I'm Anya!" exclaimed the little girl. "Hi Anya, I'm Renee!" said Renee back. The woman said "My name is Yor so you don't have to call me mom if you feel uncomfortable calling me that." "Same here. My name is Loyd. You can call me that until you're ready to call me dad. "It's fine I'm more than comfortable with calling you mom and dad." Yor was so happy that tears had come out her eyes but she quickly wiped them away. More words were exchanged before Anya had gotten off of the couch and started to approach Renee.

"Renyay, Do you want to play with me?" Anya stood with much anticipation waiting for her to answer. "Anya, Renee is probably tired from her long trip.Renee let me lead you to your room. Said Loyd. "Thank you so much." Replied Renee, lifted her luggage and started walking behind Loyd to her room. "Make yourself at home." "Thanks will do." Renee plopped on her bed and stared at her room walls imagining what her new room would be like. She started to unpack her clothes and put them away into the designated drawers. She spent 20 minutes relaxing on the comfortable bed until she realized that it was time to get out.

She walked out the room and into the living room to see Anya staring at the TV watching a spy show. Yor was washing dishes and Loyd was reading a newspaper. "Hey Anya do you still want to play?" Said Renee. Anya's face lit up with excitement and immediately she replied "Yes!" Anya and Renee played for hours. Renee even got to meet their adorable white fluffy dog, Bond. "Looks like they're getting along with each other." Said Yor. Loyd looked at the girls with a smile on his eyes.



Hey y'all It's me again! I just wanted to say I'm so happy for all of you who have decided to read my story. I also wanted to clarify my posting schedule! Right now I have finals so I'm not able to post multiple chapters a week or day. Instead I post one chapter a week. Typically that day will be Wednesday. (Could be earlier or later based on how much time I have and how busy I am at the moment).

Question of the day: What's your favorite anime/TV show to watch?

I need help with character names for my OC's so can you all comment some names? It will be a great help.

Have a nice day bye! 

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