Chapter 1: The mission

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Location: W.I.S.E. Spy Junior Academy

Starlight was laying on her bed repeatedly throwing a ball up to the ceiling and swiftly catching it. She was bored out of her mind. She purposely missed spy training today so she could relax. Lately they've been overworking the trainees to the bone and she couldn't seem to catch a break. She'd skipped training plenty of times so she could sleep but every time she went to bed she didn't seem to be tired anymore.

She also couldn't use the TV since it made too much noise and her crappy phone was taken away by Sergeant Ruth so she couldn't use that either. "I wonder what we'll be having for dinner at the cafeteria. I hope it's cinnamon-" approaching footsteps broke Starlight out of her thoughts. She heard the voice of Sergeant Ruth and some woman who had a familiar voice.

"The little troublemaker is probably in here," said Sergeant Ruth. "OH SHIT! I thought I had at least 5 more minutes before she came into my room! What am I gonna do? There's no point in hiding. I might as well accept my fate." The door creaked open and there came flying a pocket knife right towards Starlight.

Starlight immediately got up from her bed and grabbed the knife just before it hit her eye. She then twirled the knife between her fingers and threw it at the dart board in her room. When she turned she saw Sergeant Ruth rolling up her sleeves showing her muscles ready to beat Starlight up. "BRAT HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU TO NOT SKIP TRAINING!!?? DO YOU WANT TO MEET YOUR MAKER EARLY??!?" Yelled Sergeant Ruth. "AHHHH I'M SORRY I WON"T DO IT AGAIN I SWEAR!!"

"YOU SAID THAT LAST TIME AND HERE YOU ARE IN YOUR ROOM DOING IT AGAIN!! I OUTTA-". "Now that's enough Sergeant Ruth. You can't kill the girl before I even get a chance to talk to her". The voice talking brought Starlight's attention to the door. There stood a young woman with a top hat, round glasses, and an authoritative aura. Starlight's eyes widened in surprise. "WAIT THE HANDLER?!? WHEN DID SHE GET HERE"? "Starlight was it?" said the slim young woman. "The handler only visits once a month to see how the trainees are doing. Wait! I remember being told that she was coming today. Well no wonder Sergeant Ruth is mad at me. I'm making her look bad!"

Starlight quickly got up to greet the Handler. "Hello ma'am it is an honor to be in your presence. I deeply apologize for- ''''It's fine to lift up your head child". Starlight's head shot straight up and she stood tall with seriousness in her eyes. "She wants to talk to you about something that will interest you." Said Sergeant Ruth. "Seriously, she wants to talk to me?!" "Yes I do". "I want to talk to you about Operation <Strix>. As you know tensions between Westalis and Ostania are running high and it's only a matter of time before we break out into all out war. Donovan Desmond is the president of the National Unity Party and he threatens the peace between our two countries. Your mission is to attend the prestigious school Eden Academy and befriend the eldest son of the Desmond house to help agent Twilight get closer to Donovan Desmond so he can investigate and if necessary eliminate him".

"Wait, so I'm going on a mission? But I'm only a child trainee." said Starlight. "Yes but despite you constantly skipping training sessions, you're still the best trainee in this entire academy. But if you think you can't handle it then I'll give this mission to someone else." Replied the Handler. "NO NO NO NO NO I WANT THE MISSION!" "Then pack your things because tomorrow you're going to Berlint." The Handler walked out the room. You could hear her heels clicking down the hallway and getting more and more quiet the further she got.

"Starlight don't screw up this mission, not only do you represent yourself but you represent me, this whole academy, and WISE itself. Remember, you will receive no credit for your work. Not a single person will know your name. Despite that, your sacrifices help better the daily lives of our people. It's all for the sake of Westalis". Said Sergeant Ruth.

Starlight had her eyes widened while listening to Sergeant Ruth's speech. "Now you rest up kid, you have a big day ahead of you." "Wait so you're actually gonna let me get a day off training!!?" "Don't make me change my mind" Scowled Ruth. Starlight was walking towards her bed when Ruth called out to her. "Kid". "Yeah?" "Come back to us alive. You're our family."

Starlight grinned at hearing those words. "Yeah I'll make sure I will". Sergeant Ruth walked out the room shutting the door behind her. Starlight flopped on her bed smiling brightly. "I can't wait to go on my first mission!" "Mom." She said to her gold necklace. "If you could see me now you'll be proud of how far I've come. 

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