Chapter 3: Afternoon walk

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~Time Skip~

Renee's POV:

It's been a month since I've started to live with the Forgers and I can say that it's been pretty fun. Anya is the most adorable kid I've seen and honestly this probably changed my mind about not having kids. Mom is so nice to me she reminds me of my biological mom. Loyd is strong and kind to everyone around him but I know that he's faking it. I also know for a fact that Loyd doesn't actually like me or want me here but he pretends for the sake of the mission. Honestly that fact does sting a little but, after this mission this family will be disbanded and we will never see each other again.

Anyways, Loyd was busy with "work" so Mom and Anya went to the dentist and asked me to come along to get a better look at the scenery so I went with them. While we were walking to the dentist Anya kept on pointing to the buildings and telling me what they were. "This is the opera house and this is..." Her squeaky voice trailed about the places and memories she had there everytime we walked by a building. I didn't hear what she said because I was day-dreaming about a bakery we passed by that had the best smell of chocolate. If I were to sneak away right now to go to the bakery would mom and Anya even notice? I am a spy afterall so it's not like it'll be all that hard. I said in my mind. Anya stared at me with an astonished look on her face. She was speechless.

I snapped back to reality when Yor announced that we arrived at the dentist. We walked inside and went up to the receptionist's table. Yor was talking to the receptionist and when we were finally signed in we headed towards the waiting room. After 10 minutes of waiting, Anya was called by the dentist to start her appointment. I sat in the waiting room for 5 more minutes before one of the dentists ran in and approached Yor. "Your daughter has been crying and running around the room for 5 minutes straight and we can't spend the entire appointment trying to catch her so would you please sit with your daughter or schedule the appointment for another time?"

Yor looked worried so she decided to go to the room Anya was in. "Oh Dear! Let me come help you right away. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Wait Renee are you sure you'll be alright here?" "Yeah I'll be fine. Besides, I wanted to ask you if I could go and explore the town a bit. I promise to be back at the end of the appointment." "Oh well okay just don't get hu-''. We heard a scream come from the room Anya was in, so Yor quickly got her bag and went over to the room. "Make sure you come back on time and be safe!" She said to me as she went running to the room. "I will!" I responded back. I walked out the dentist office and onto the sidewalk.

I was happy that I finally got to be by myself for a while. When I peered over to my left I could see a busy street full of cars passing by. When I looked to my right I could see a man handing out balloons to kids and people walking. I ended up going to a dog park to look at the scenery and the amazing dogs. When I was there I saw kids playing, people reading, and dogs doing backflips for treats. I sat down on one of the benches and started to bask in the afternoon sun. The screams of people were like music to my ears. Wait a second... WHY ARE PEOPLE SCREAMING??!!

I looked over to see a little girl about to get hit with a car. She was so fascinated by her new balloon that she was walking into ongoing traffic. I quickly jumped up from the bench and ran over to the girl. I leaped over to hold the girl and threw myself out of the way of the traffic. The girl was now saved. People were surprised about the bravery I had shown. They started to applaud and cheer for me. The little girl looked shaken up so I bent down to her level and asked if she was okay. She said " My balloon flew away" and she started crying. I went up to the balloon man whose name I found out to be Rob. I bought another balloon and handed it to the girl. I wiped away the tears and told her to not cry and be safe. I looked around at the crowd surrounding me to find this girl's mother. My eyes laid upon a woman who was texting and laughing. She seemed to share some resemblance to the little girl.

I went up to her and asked " Is this your child?" with a passive tone. She said" Yeah what's it to you?" "Your child almost got run over by a car. You should pay more attention to your daughter and hold her hand." "Shut up brat! I know how to take care of my child just fine. I don't need a little girl to tell me how to parent." "Well obviously you do because your child almost died and it doesn't even seem like you care." The woman glared at her daughter and said "Why do you yell at the little brat right there? She was dumb enough to not look both ways while crossing the street." " Well maybe she didn't look both ways because you didn't teach her to? If you weren't so neglectful and you paid attention to your daughter more than maybe, she wouldn't have almost died. People like you shouldn't be parents. You obviously don't understand the value of having a child so maybe you shouldn't have one."

The woman looked disgusted and angry. Then she said "DIDN'T I JUST TELL YOU TO SHUT THE HELL UP?" Her yelling grabbed more attention from onlookers. She raised her hand ready to punch me when a man held her wrist tightly trying to hold her hand back. It was Loyd. He said "Renne, why is this woman trying to punch you?" "Oh just a deadbeat mother who doesn't care for her kid." I said back while glaring at the woman. A policeman approached and asked us what was happening. I told him the whole story and he, the woman and the girl with him. "I'll handle this. Thank you for keeping this young girl safe." I looked at him surprised. I wasn't used to getting thank you's. A slight blush washed over my cheeks and I said "Oh it was nothing."

~Time skip to a couple minutes later~

Loyd started to walk with me. He asked " Why aren't you with Yor and Anya?" " I wanted to walk around by myself." "You shouldn't have. You almost got hit with a car and punched by a lady today." "Don't worry It's not like she could punch me anyways. She's way too weak to start a fight with a spy." "You're a spy in training. Sure maybe she wouldn't have landed the punch but if she was a big muscular man then it would've been a different story." We walked in silence for a few minutes then he said " You can't jump into every situation. Being impulsive will hurt you one day." I looked at his face. It was cold, uncaring. The harshness in his voice when he said that to me stung a little. "Anyways I finished "work" early so I could get donuts from the nearby coffee shop for y'all." "YOU GOT DONUTS???" "No, I'm getting donuts."

We walked to a nearby bakery to get some donuts for the fam. As we were there I saw a girl who looked around my age picking up a box of donuts. She didn't see the "caution wet floor" sign so she slipped on the water. Loyd was about to jump into action but I quickly saved the girl from falling and her box of donuts. She looked at me surprised. Geez why is no one paying attention today? I saw her eyes twinkle when she looked at me. Honestly It was kind of cute. She said "Thank you for saving me and my donuts." "It's fine. It was nothing." I replied back. She opened her box and handed me a chocolate donut and said "Here it's for you" "Oh I couldn't take-" She shoved the donut in my mouth and said thanks for saving her. She walked out with her box of donuts. Well at least I got a free donut. Loyd walked up to the cashier and started paying for everything.

We walked out of the store and to the dentist office. Yor and Anya were walking back from the dentist room and saw us. Yor said "Loyd what are you-" "Y'ALL GOT DONUTS???" I looked to see an excited six year old jumping up and down. We walked out of the dentist office and started to head home. "Renee, how was your little exploration of the town?" "It was fine." "What did you see?" "Uh well.."


A/N: Hey guys, it's me! I just wanted to say that I didn't get to post on Wednesday because of finals. Because of that I made this chapter a little long. I hope you guys liked the chapter. Anyways I wanted to say that I was thinking about making a demon slayer fanfic but I'm not sure if I should. If I were to make one then what do you think It should include?

Question of the day: If you could travel anywhere with a time machine which year would you choose and why?

Have a good rest of your day!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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