New home (Kara)

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1099 words
Age: 13
TW: almost panic attack, abandonment

Y/n pov:
I have been stuck in the phantom zone for years now. I am from Pluto and my parents end me here. And it wasn't an accident. They didn't want me anymore and had to find a way to get rid of me without looking like horrible people, which they are. But I got over it. I mean they never really loved me anyways. So, I guess being stuck with phantoms who put all your worst nightmares in your head all the time is better than being beat up by the people who are supposed to love you more than anyone. I tried to find out if other people are stuck here too but I never found someone, so I have been alone ever since I got to this awful place.

I am sitting in my spot, hiding from the phantoms when I heard footsteps. I couldn't believe my ears. Could it be that I don't have to be alone anymore. soon I could see a woman walking in my direction. She had blonde hair and wears something that looked like a suit with a cape. I just pushed myself further into the wall behind me, hoping she won't see me. after you spent years by yourself you don't do well with social interaction. But I was no use, she soon spotted me and walked towards me.

Karas pov:
It has been a week since am stuck in this hell hole. I have been looking for a way to escape when I saw a little girl, probably around 12 sitting against a wall with her knees by her chest. I walked to her and crunched down to her level.
"Hey sweety are you ok?" I asked in a calm voice. She didn't answer me, she just nodded. But I could see that she was scared so I said "You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to hurt you" she calmed down a bit.

"How long have you been here for" I ask. "four years" she whispered. I have only been here for a week, and it was the scariest week I have ever had. I can't imagen being stuck here for years, especially at that young age.

Suddenly I hear phantoms coming our way. The girl immediately tensed up. I rubbed her shoulder "Hey everything is going to be okay I promise". When they came closer her breathing picked up so I hugged her. She buried her head in my chest listening to my heartbeat. Her breathing went down.

Thank god the phantoms didn't see us. This spot I a great hiding place I thought to myself.

y/n pov:
when I hear phantoms coming our way my breathing went up. The woman hugged me and said that everything will be okay. I just buried my head in her chest listening to her heartbeat to calm myself down, which worked surprisingly. I felt safe.
As the phantoms disappeared the woman spoke to me again.

"my name is Kara. whats your name hunny?" she asked me. "Y/n" "that's a very beautiful name". I smiled. It has been so long since I smiled. It felt so good.
"do you want to come with me? my family is coming to save me. If you want to you can come back to earth with me. would you like that?" I nodded.

She stood up and held her hand out for me to take. I grabbed it. She helped me up the floor and started walking. I didn't let go of her hand. I felt save.
"Where do you came from and how did you got here?" she asked me in a loving tone. "I'm from Pluto and my parents send me here." I told her shyly. "why" she asked curiously "I guess they didn't want me, they never have. I always was a burden to everyone, so I deserve being here" I said truthfully.

Kara stopped walking and said "I'm so sorry y/n. but you don't deserve being stuck here alone for years, no one does. Doesn't matter who bad of a person you are. AND you are NOT a burden. Not to me." I just smiled at her. She smiled back with the most loving smile.

Timeskip: few day

We spent the last few day together and got to know each other pretty well. We search for a way out of here but didn't find anything, but Kara said we are not giving up there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
We were talking when I saw light coming into our cave. "Kara look" she turned around, stood up and walked outside. I followed her. There was a big spaceship in the sky. "That's my family. Come on its time to go home" Kara said.
She picked me up and flew toward the ship. When we entered, she sat me down quickly and hug another woman.

Karas pov:
I sat y/n down on the floor and rushed to alex hugging her. "I missed you so much" she said. "I missed you to".

We stopped hugging and I could see that my whole family is here to come and get me. I ran over to mon-el and hugged him to "you came back for me" "everytime". I gave him kiss.
I let go of mon-el and introduced y/n, who was standing on the same spot where I sat her down, looking shyly around. "everyone this is y/n." "hi" she waved at everyone. "hi I'm alex, karas sister." my sister said. "and I am Mon-el, former prince of Daxam, Karas boyfriend" mon-el said.  After that everyone started introducing themselves.

On our way back I could see that y/n was loosening up a bit, which made me happy.

Y/n pov:
I was sitting on a chair next to Lena's desk, when kara came over to me. "Hey y/n are you ok?" she asked me. I nodded. "So as you don't any family that can take care of you, you are going to live with me and mon-el. Is that ok with you?" she asked me. "yeah I'd love to live with you. I feel safe around you" the last part I said rather quiet but heard and smiled at that comment.

We soon landed and everyone got home to rest. I was walking with Kara and Mon-el to their loft. The apartment was beautiful. It has a big living area with a kitchen and a comfy looking couch.

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