new cast member (melissa)

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1405 words
Name: Charlie (girl)
TW: almost panic attack, ed, neglect

Mel's pov:
In a week we start filming season seven of Supergirl. But today everyone meets up on set for the table read. The director called me yesterday telling me that we will have a new cast member. I don't know what character they are going to play but I'm still very excited.
When I arrive on set there are only Chyler and Katie. And of course Chris as we came here together. I say good morning to both of them and walk over to the coffee machine to gat some coffee before we start.

20 minutes later, everyone is here except our new member. the director comes in and we all find our seats around the table. I here the door open and see a young girl entering. She looks a little stressed but I assume its because she almost was late to our table read.
"sorry am I late?" she asked out of breath. "no no don't worry. You're right on time" the director says. "well this is Charlie. She will be playing Kara and Monel daughter" "hi" Charlie says shyly waving at everyone. She took a seat next to me. I smiled at her and she smiled back.
"i'm melissa but you can call me mel if you want" I introduced myself. "I'm Charlie" she answered. With that we started to read our scripts.

Charlie's pov:
Oh god I'm going to be so late, I think to myself when I walked out of my house. I forgot to do to the dishes last night. Thankfully my dad didn't notice or I had to cover up even more bruises than I already have. I ran to set.
When I walked in I saw everyone sitting at the table turning towards me. "sorry am I late?" I asked. The director just tells me I'm right on time and introduced me to the cast. I just say hi and take a seat next to melissa.

"i'm melissa but you can call me mel if you want" she says to me. "i'm Charlie" I say. Oh god she knows that already the director literally just introduced me. why do I have to be so socially awkward? Luckily, we start reading our scripts.
A few hours later it three o'clock and we can go home. I say bye to everyone and leave. On my way home I just think about how it will be like the next few months. I'm really glad I got the role because that's means I don't have to be home as much.

Timeskip: one week

Today is the first day of filming and i'm really excited. I get along well with the cast they are all so nice. when I got out of bed I immediately wince. I came home late yesterday and my dad was really angry at me. he beat me up but it was worse that every other time he does it. I have bruises and cuts all over my body. I try to cover them up as good as I can. But over time I got really good at it.

Soon I'm on set shooting a scene with Mel and Chy. In this scene Kara and Alex train with my character Alura. My body hurts from the bating I got last night. When Mel accidently punches me in the stomach lightly, I wince in pain.
"Omg i'm so sorry Charlie. Are you ok?" Mel asked worried. "it okay I'm fine" I lie. "are you sure?" she asked me not really believing my answer "Yeah I am okay don't worry" keep on shooting until it time to go home.
I get out of my suit and get ready to walk home. I'm about ten minutes away from set when I see a car pulling over next to me.

Mel's pov:
I'm in my car driving home. I feel so bad that I punched Charlie. She said she was okay, but I didn't quite believe that's the truth. I drove for about five minutes when I see someone walking on the sidewalk. When I get closer I see its Charlie so I pull over.

"hey why are u walking in the dark alone?" "I have to get home somehow don't I" I am shocked about the fact that a sixteen-year-old girl has to walk home alone at night. It's very dangerous. "aren't your parents going to pick u up?" I ask. She just shook her head no. "why?" "well I only have my dad and he is to busy to pick me up" she said. My heart aches for her. But I refuse on letting her keep walking home in the dark. "come on get in I'm driving you home" I say. "you don't have to. I don't want to be a burden." "no no its completely fine. I don't want you walkling in the dark. Its dangerous. And you are not being a burden. I'd love to drive you home" I say truthfully.
Charlie get in and we start driving. When i'm close to her house I can see Carlie getting nervous.

"hey you okay?" "yeah i'm.... i'm just" she is trying to say something but she cant. Her breathing is kinda heavy which is concerning me. I put my hand in her knee to stop it from bouncing up and down. "everything is okay I'm here. Do you not want to go home?" she nods
I think its best if I don't ask questions rn. "do you want to stay over at my house?" I ask kindly. She just nods again. After a few minutes her breathing cames down. Soon we pull up my driveway and get out of the car.

When we walk through the front door, Farley come running towards us. I pet her. "you hungry?" I asked as its dinner time. Charlie just shrugs. "okay I will make some pasta you sit on the sofa if you want to. Just make yourself at home"

Charlie's pov:

When we get in Mels house I see a dog running to us. I remember Mel telling me that she has a dog. She is so cute. melissa asked me if I was hungry but I just shrug. She said she is going to make some pasta and I can sit in the couch while she cooks.
Dinner is ready so we both sit down at the table. Mel puts a plate in front of me. She starts eating but I just play with my food. My head is going crazy at the though of eating something.

"do you not like it I can make you something else" mel asks. "no no its not that its.." I can feel the tears in my eyes. I guess mel noticed to because she gets up from her seat and knees in front of me taking my hand into hers. "its okay. What's wrong" she says in a comforting sound.
"my dad always tells me that I'm not allowed to eat his food, but i don't have enough money to buy food for myself. So I don't eat that much and I started having a hard time eating." I tell her trying not to cry. I don't really know why I just told her all of that but melissa is just so easy to talk to. She never makes you feel like your feelings are wrong.
"Oh sweety. You could have said something you know that right?" she says. I can't hold in my tears any longer so I start to cry. She gets up and hugs me. I feels so good being hugged I can't remember the last time I got a hug like this. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes when she pulled out of the hug.

"how about you just a little bit. You don't have to eat everything" she said. I nod and sit down again. I take the fork n my hand and lift it up to my mouth. I slowly chew on the food and swallow it. Mel smiled. I ate about seven bites when I put the fork down.
"Are you full?" Mel asks. "yeah" "okay. You did so well. I'm proud of you"

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