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[I made this and I know this is pretty bad but meh]

[Warning- mentions of suicide and flickering light in that video]

Y/n eyes widened as they saw Haru's Silhouette get his neck snapped and their friends jumping off the building.

"Mo-Mondo! What is happening?!" Y/n shouts at the top of their lungs, Mondo doesn't answer. He just stare at the scene

"Why?! HOW!!!!" Y/n can't take that! So many death! And everyone in this video is their friend, they can't take it. They seriously can't take it!!!

Tears start falling down Y/n's cheeks, their vision was blurred. They were quietly sobbing beside Mondo.

"Mondo.........How did that happen?" Tears were still falling down their cheeks

"Mondo...... I need to save my new friend now, I don't want my classmates to meet the same!"

Mondo turns his gaze to look at Y/n's pitiful yet beautiful face. Everyone about this whole situation is beautifully pitiful. He didn't know what to do so, he just start patting their shoulder while Y/n were crying their eyes out.

Everyone unexpectedly enters the room, seeing Y/n sobbing and Mondo just standing there.

"What happened?" Sayaka asks, gazing at Y/n's back of head because they didn't turn their head because of embarrassment

"Wh-What's going on?" Aoi asks with full concern

I didn't answer, not meeting their gaze. I point toward the cardboard box

"Is that what Monokuma was talking about?" Leon asks, I started feeling embarrassed so, I just stand up and started to leave but Mondo grabs my hand says "Where are you going?" Now everyone's attention shifted to me, my cheeks flushed due to embarrassment

"I a-already have watched my DVD and I also need to wash my face so, I will be back in a second." Makoto's cheeks flushed as he saw Y/n's eyes puffy and their beautiful face, Mondo let go of Y/n's hands and glared at Makoto.

"W-well then good luck!" Y/n quickly says as they rushed out of that room.

They took a sigh of relief and tears again started to fall. Y/n just ignored the tears and make their way back to their room. After entering their room, they quickly wash their face, they were about to leave their room but they didn't want to. They are feeling sad and they just want to sleep.

After some hours of napping, they were awake by someone ringing the bell.

One time -  ignored

Second time- again ignored

The ninth time- they have to open the door! Because if they don't then this person won't leave them alone

They walk up to the door and open their door. Mondo, Chihiro and Junko were standing in front of my room.

"Get in" I say as I swing the door open and go back to the bed and lay on it.

It was silent for a second then I felt a weight on my hand. I turn my head to look at a chocolate bar in my hand, I smile at Chihiro.

"Thanks." I said, still not looking at them, then, I felt someone smack my head lightly

"Why?" I asks

"She is not the one here I'm y'know" I heard Junko says

I turn my head to look at them, Junko and Mondo were slightly smiling at me and Chihiro was looking with a small innocent smile, I can't help but laugh at this scene.

"What ya fuck you laughing at?" Mondo asks in his normal angry tone

"You all are just too cute." I say as I turn my head and close my eyes

"I love you all but now leave me alone because I wanna sleep." I jokingly said, I peek at their leaving figure

I again close my eyes and dream about beautiful stuff

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..." The announcement plays out like normal

After some time, someone knocks on my door. I annoyingly get up and open the door to find no one. Then I felt something touch my feet so I look at my feet to find a note and it says

"Hello Y/n,

Please meet me in my room, I need some help and you are my friend right? Right?


Oh, so Sayaka needs me, well then.

I wore my school uniform and grab my bag with me too. Then I started for her door. There I find it but........ If I remember correctly it should be Makoto's room, right? I shrug as I didn't think much of it.

I knock on her door, smiling sweetly waiting for her to open the door. After a while the door opens and........WTH??

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