For my next wish

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{Shuichi POV}
I woke up and checked under my bed to see the lamp was still there I was wondering if it was a dream or not Since everything that happened yesterday seems so unbelievable mean how would you feel it when cleaning in attic find a lamp you rub side lamp and a genie comes out clear the attic telling you you have 23 wishes

I picked up the lamp from under the bed and thought where is a good place to hide this leaving in the house won't be smart as if my uncles cleanup and just out of nowhere comes into my room and finds it he might figure out about the whole wish thing or take it away so I can't hide it here maybe I could take it to school?

After I got dress I put the lamp inside of my bag and went to the kitchen there really wasn't much in the fridge yes I won't be having breakfast again and I think about it I could just wish for something to eat there are 22 of them left after all
No How do you waste of wish even if there are 22 of them left I do have to choose them wisely i'll just pick something up to eat at the convenient store
I started to walk to the convenient store that was on the same route to my school and picked up something to eat before arriving  at school 
I took a deep breath before walking in I was able to swerve my way through some of the crowns have always been Unnoticed or invisible Especially since our school is it really filled with the best people so it's kind of an advantage i'll have to do is make sure not to get in anyone's way or end up in the wrong place at the wrong time But otherwise I either just stay out of sight or stick within my group

When walking a bump into someone I look up and see it's kaito and sigh in relief
"Sorry kaito I didn't see you"
"oh hey shuichi it's OK you were lost and thought again Weren't you"
I open my locker set my bag inside of it Taking out some books

"How you and maki? You guys didn't seem to get along at the party"
" oh I don't think I wanna talk about it we just both need some space..also sorry you got caught by your uncle i'll make it up to you"
" no it's fine it's not your fault you weren't in any condition to drive last night after your fight with maki"
" but you didn't have to drive me home in my car and then walk home yourself anything could've happened to you"
"Yes I did because I was the only sober one there and I couldn't just let you drive all drunk they'll be irresponsible Not only that but you could've got into a car accident if you did and you're my best friend I can't just let you do that"
" OK fine you win sidekick you up too much of a good heart but I swear I'm gonna make it up to you!"
"Whatever let's go to class"

{At lunch}

I was sitting at a table eating by myself and glancing over to the corner of the lunchroom maki and Katio were fighting again it seemed a little bit worse than at the party that's probably about what happened honestly I remember it not too well at but I remember it after The fight at the party kaito drink so much that he could barely even stand so I had to drive him home using his car because I don't have my own but I do have a my license at a time I got home I smelled like alcohol I was so tired that I only have listen to what my uncle said knock down my bed as soon as I got to my room and then the next morning I was drug tested by my uncle and obviously it came out as a negative but I still got in trouble and you know the rest from there

The fight in the corner ended and kaito came over to me

"What happened?"
"...Maki broke up with me"
" yeah she Break up with me I just wish that she could forget what happened at the party and then this wouldn't have happened"
"Hmm um kaito maybe I can help"
"Huh!? Really how?"
"Ok I'll tell you but it's a secret just came with me"

I got up and started going to my locker as kaito quickly followed confused about how I was to help him
We finally got to my locker
"Hey shuichi why are we at your locker?"
I open my locker and pulled out the lamp
"This is the reason"
"An old lamp? What is that going to do"
"Just wait"
I took a deep breath
"Kichi I need you"

Purple smoke cloud poofed in front of me revealing kichi floating while painting his nails

Of course kaito wasn't able to see this when was very confused

"Oh hey Saihara-Chan~"

The purple hair winks at me causing a slight blush

"What don't like the nickname I gave you? I guess I'll just keep calling you master"

Kichi with a pout and a sad tone

"What!? No! It's fine you can call me Saihara-Chan"

"Yay! Now what do you need"

"Shuichi who are you talking to??"

Fuck I forgot about kaito I must look crazy I look to kichi

"Ooh~ who's this?"

"Don't mind them I have three questions"

"Yes Saihara-chan what is it?"

"Ok first can you still Grant wishes in your human from? Second in your human from I can still summon you right? And lastly can you go into your human form...?"

"Yes yes and no"

"Why can't you?"

"Because I don't want to"

"Kichi please?"

"No I don't wanna"

"Ok then, I wish you would go into your human from"

"I- fine."
Kichi pouted and snapped his fingers causing another blinding light to glow an then kichi appeared in a purple smoke cloud with golden glitter sparkling in the air he looked the same just with legs and shorter

"There happy?"

I saw the genie blushes in response I looked over to kaito

"Kaito this is kichi and he's a genie"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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