caught (requested)

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"You're so cute together." Minnie smiled as she and the girls watched Shuhua kiss your forehead softly as you laid your cheek on her shoulder.

Shuhua stared at you adoringly, her lips tugging into a smile as you looked up at her and your eyes met.

You had a long night last night, up until about four am. She got home late and instead of going to sleep, you waited up for her, and since she has today off you stayed up late talking and making out.

But you only got a few hours of sleep, having to wake up early to be on time to see the girls.

You've all had this day planned out. You planned to meet up for breakfast and then spend the day together.

It's been a while since you've all had the opportunity to do that because of them being so busy with the comeback.

So, despite being sleepy, you're as happy as can be.

"Are you okay?" Shuhua asked and you nodded, smiling as she leaned in to give you a quick kiss.

"You look a little tired." Miyeon pointed out to you and Shuhua.

"Yeah. We stayed up late last night."

"Oh. Doing what?" Soyeon asked.

"Nothing much." Shuhua nervously chuckled before changing the topic.

It was a few minutes later when you started to get a little overheated.

It was starting to get beautiful outside.

The temperature was rising and the sun was out and despite being inside, you still felt warm and you knew once you stepped outside after breakfast, you'd be much too warm.

As the girls talked, you raised your arms and started to pull off Shuhua's hoodie that she let you wear today.

You weren't even thinking and neither was she since she was talking with the girls.

She just held your shirt down so it wouldn't raise as you pulled off the hoodie, all the while still chatting and giggling with the girls.

You put her hoodie on your lap when it was finally off and you fixed your hair before putting your head back on Shuhua's shoulder.

Suddenly, Yuqi burst into giggles, and you all quickly looked at her curiously.

"Yuqi, what's so funny?" Minnie asked.

She leaned over and whispered what she saw into Minnie's ear and you watched as Minnie looked at you before laughing.

"What?" You asked, eyebrows furrowed.

"So, you lied to us. You did nothing much last night?" She raised her eyebrows. "Judging by the hickeys on your neck, I think you were lying."

You and Shuhua went wide-eyed and she looked at your neck.

"Oh. That's why you had my hoodie on." Shuhua said, chuckling as you both became flustered as the girls began to tease you.

"Hickeys, huh? That's quite a lot of them!" Miyeon laughed.

You buried your face in Shuhua's sweater and she giggled before wrapping her arms around you.

"It's okay, my love. Don't mind them. I think you look sexy with those hickeys. It shows everyone that you're mine, all mine, and I'm the luckiest woman in the world." She spoke into your ear, making you smile.

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