she snaps at you (requested)

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"What a day," Shuhua mumbled to herself with a heavy sigh as she walked into the bedroom.

You had been scrolling through social media and texting your friends when she came in but since you know how stressed and exhausted she is, she became your priority and you quickly put your phone to the side to focus on her.

"Want to talk about it?"

"What?" She asked as she looked over at you from the closet, where she was changing her shirt.

"Your day. You sound tired and I'm sure you have a lot on your mind from everything going on. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." She said in a grumpy tone of voice.

"Okay?" You frowned. "Don't be like that with me. I'm just trying to help."

You got up from the bed, pushing the blanket off of your feet so you could walk over to her.

"You sound like you need a hug." You said with a sweet smile.

A smile that Shuhua usually adores.

And, on any normal day, she'd melt at the thought of being pulled into a hug by you, her favorite girl.

But with the mood she was in and the day she'd had, she wasn't in the mood for hugs.

So when you tried to put your arms around her and lean in for a quick hug, she just pulled away and shook her head at you.

"I'm not in the mood."

It stung a little to have her refuse a hug from you, especially since you're only trying to make her crack a smile and help her feel a little better.

But you brushed it off and tried something else.

"Do you want me to rub your shoulders? You feel tense. Or I could run you a bath. I can turn on some music and throw some bubbles in there so you can relax. Or we could always lie down and watch a movie. Whatever it is that you want, tell me so I can get it for you."

"You know what I want, Y/N?" She asked as she looked at you in annoyance. "To leave me alone! You're getting on my nerves right now. If I need something, I'll tell you! Why do you have to be so annoying by asking me question after question!? Did I say I needed your help with something?"

"Well, no, but I'm just trying to help you feel better."

"You're smothering me right now! That's all you're doing. So if you want to help me, give me some space and stop being so annoying!"

You hung your head and swallowed thickly as a lump appeared in your throat.

Her words had cut you deep and she knew it.

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence lingering in the air, she realized just how badly she'd messed up and the weight of her words sank in.

"Oh, baby, I'm sorry." She said as she tried to reach for your hand.

But you pulled it away from her before she got the chance to grab it.

"Don't! If I'm so annoying and you need space so badly that you're snapping at me, then space is exactly what you'll get."

You stormed over to the bed and grabbed your phone, your charger, your blanket, and your bottle of water before storming out of the room with Shuhua anxiously following after you.

"Where are you going?" She asked with a look of sadness in her eyes.

But you weren't going to melt and forgive her.

Not that easily.

"I'm giving you space, Shuhua. Just as you wanted. I'm sleeping in the guest room. Have a good night."

Before she could say a word, you slammed the door in her face and turned the lock before putting your things down and sitting on the bed.

This isn't how you expected the night to go but if space is what she wants so badly, then you'll happily give it to her.

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