one of the girls walk in on you making out (requested)

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You smiled happily as Shuhua came up behind you and pulled you into her arms.

"I've missed you." She spoke against the back of your neck.

"I've missed you too, baby,"

You feel so content back in her arms.

She and the girls have been on tour for a couple of months and Shuhua was tired of the distance between you so she flew you out to be with her for a few days.

You couldn't be happier and wanted to make up for lost time but the girls asked you to go out to dinner with them tonight and it was hard to say no when you've missed hanging out with them.

Shuhua understood and planned to tag along too, of course.

But you just got out of the shower and she's missed the smell of your shampoo and body wash and she doesn't want to pull away from you.

"I have to get dressed." You said before giggling as she kissed the back of your neck.

"No, you don't." She whispered as she let her hands travel across your body that was covered by a towel.

"Considering we have dinner with the girls in a bit, I think I do." You teased.

"You could say you don't feel well or that you feel jet-lagged. So we can stay here."

You turned around and tried to hide the smile tugging at your lips.

"And what do you think we should do instead, hm?"

She took your hand and pulled you out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where she gently pushed you onto the bed.

Her lips met yours a second later and you melted instantly.

Though it's not the first kiss you've shared since arriving a couple of hours ago, it is the deepest and most feverish kiss so far and you just couldn't get enough.

You never wanted to stop kissing her.

All you wanted was for her lips to stay on yours, wishing to spend all of the time you had with her before you had to head back home just like this because her kisses are just as breathtaking as everything else about her.

But she pulled away a moment later and you were about to whine only to moan softly instead as she kissed your neck.

"You smell so good." She spoke against your skin. "I've missed you so much, Y/N. You don't even know."

"I do, baby. I've missed you just as much." You breathlessly spoke as you wrapped your arms around her and pulled her closer.

She let her hands travel again and soon enough, she reached the edge of the towel around your body and undid it before tossing it across the room.

Her lips began to brush across places other than your neck, moving to your chest and your stomach.

You were caught up in the bliss she brings you and the love you have for her as you get lost in her touch and her kisses on your skin.

She moved back up to your lips and kissed you again, only for you to pull away and push her on her back so you could make her feel just as loved and just as euphoric.

"You're stunning." You spoke as you kissed the corners of her lips. "I love you, Shuhua,"

"I love you too." She said as she tilted her head back when you began to kiss her jaw, wanting to kiss every inch of her soft kissable skin.

Neither of you wanted these moments to end.

It'd been so long since you'd been able to share moments like these and you just wanted to stay here with Shuhua forever.

"Baby," She whispered as you kissed her collarbones and slipped your hand beneath her shirt. "Kiss me again. Please, baby,"

You wanted to give her everything she wanted.

You wanted her to feel just as incredible as she always makes you feel.

So you immediately pulled away from her collarbones and kissed her lips once more.

You both let out soft sighs as you melted into the kiss and being so caught up in these moments and each other, neither of you heard your phones ringing or, a few moments later, the knocks coming from the door.

It was only when the hotel room door opened and you heard Minnie's voice that you both jumped.

"Y/N, Shuhua, are you two asleep or something?"

She stepped into the room, only to freeze and gasp when she saw you and Shuhua on the bed.

Shuhua reached for the blanket and covered you with it quickly before sending her friend a nervous smile.

"Hey, Minnie. What's up?" You asked.

"We've been trying to get ahold of you two and neither of you answered so we were worried."

"Couldn't you have knocked?" Shuhua whined.

"We did," Minnie said before folding her arms over her chest. "Couldn't you have hung up the do not disturb sign on the door?"

"Fair point," Shuhua replied.

"Are you two still going to come for dinner?"

"Yes." You answered. "We'll meet you in the lobby in ten minutes."

"Okay, I'll let everyone know. See you both soon." She grinned before walking out of the room.

Shuhua groaned.

"Do we have to go? I wanted to make out all night." She pouted.

"Baby, it's only seven. If we go and stay for two hours, that'll only be nine. We'll still have the entire night to make out and this way, we don't back out with the girls."

She sighed and pushed the blanket down your body so she could brush her fingers across your bare back.

"Fine. But promise we'll pick up where we left off later?"

"Absolutely, darling." You assured before kissing her lips. "In a couple of hours, we'll come back here and make out all night long." You suggested with a smirk and watched her eyes sparkle. "The sooner we get ready to go, the sooner we'll be back.

"Well, then, why are we just lying here? Come on, get ready so we can get back sooner to make out or... more." She smirked and playfully raised her eyebrows, making you laugh and kiss her once more before getting up to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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