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"So... the gangs nearly all here. Where's Einstein?" Bender asked, tossing back his hair out of his eyes and surveying the two of them. "What, have you two taken a vow of silence or something? Wouldn't surprise me with Klepto but we never could shut you up, Jockstrap."

Without waiting for a response, he turned and stalked back out onto the driveway.

Allison went to follow, but Andy caught her arm.

"Ow!" she cried, clenching her jaw.

"Why do I get the impression that he isn't expecting Claire?" he hissed.

"We should help him unpack," Allison said, trying to pull away.

"Ally," he warned, keeping a hold of her. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

Allison squeaked.

"Are you insane?"

Managing to get free of his grip, Allison folded her arms. "Sometimes less is more, Andrew."

Exhaling deeply, he followed her out onto the driveway, and was stopped dead in his tracks.

"What the....?"

In front of them was the oldest looking VW camper van either of them had ever seen. Apparently once red, the van was now faded orange in colour, rusty in parts and had definitely seen better days.

"Got me some wheels, kiddies," Bender told them, leaning against the bonnet and lighting a cigarette.

"Stolen again?" Andrew asked, kicking one of the front tyres. The van creaked.

"Watch it, Sporto. And for your information, it is not stolen - I actually bought this with my own money," Bender told him.

Andrew snorted. "What money?"

"The money I earned working, homeboy. See, while you losers were off being college bums and Klepto here was discovering her inner-richie, some of us became functioning members of society," he said, sarcastically.

Allison scoffed, opening the side door of the van to get a look inside.

Swinging around to the side, Bender shut the door again promptly.

"I don't think so, Sticky Fingers."

"So where have you been working?" Andy asked.

Bender shrugged, glancing over his shoulder with casual disinterest as a cab pulled up at the end of the drive way "Here and there."

"Why do we never get a straight answer with you Bender?" Andy demanded.

"Oh I'm sorry Andrew. I didn't realise my whereabouts were such a concern to you. In future I'll be sure to alert you to my every move," Bender shot back.

"Just admit you've been working at Walmart and we can all move on," he snorted.

"I have not been working at Walmart jagoff. And even if I was, it beats rolling around on the floor with other guys," he commented. "What about you Klepto? Any opinions you wanna share with the class?"

But Allison wasn't paying in attention. Instead, she was staring open mouthed down the drive way at the person who has just gotten out of the cab.

Turning to follow her gaze, Bender smirked at the beefy-looking blonde who was hauling a suitcase out of the trunk.

"Oh look Sporto, it's another one of your kind. A muscle head with nothing interesting to say! You didn't mention you'd invited your brother," he joked.

"Shut up," Andy snapped, watching the figure in confusion for a moment. "...Bri?"

Looking at the other boy as if he were mad, Bender whipped round for a double take.

"Well fuck me, it's the dweebie all grown up!"

Stopping at the end of the driveway and putting his bag down, Brian gave them all a shy smile.


"So... SO. Are you like a jock now?" Bender asked, when the four of them were sat out back by the pool.

Brian laughed nervously, cracking open his soda. "Not really. I've just been... you know, working out a little."

"You look great man," Andy smiled.

"Watch out Andrew, you know how Klepto likes a muscle head," Bender quipped.

"Please," Allison snorted, rolling her eyes before shooting Brian a quick glance. "No offence."

"None taken," Brian chuckled, holding his hands up in defence. "Actually I'm sorta... seeing someone."

"Oh? What's his name?" Bender asked, deadpan.

"You're funny. Her name is Lisa," he said.

"Yeah? She hot?" Andy asked.

"That's great Brian," Allison told him, digging her boyfriend.

"S'that why you're all bulked up?" Bender asked.

"No," Brian shook his head, a hint of frustration in his voice. "I told you, I've just been working out. People can change, John. People grow up."

"Not him," Andy pointed out.

"Well hey, Sporto. Where are your wheels? You got a job?" Bender demanded.

"Come on, guys. Let's not fight. It's been a long time since we saw each other, you know? We should really all make an effort to get on," Brian said quickly, showing them that he hadn't changed all that much after all. "Let's try and focus on the positives, huh? John, where have you been working?"

"Walmart," said Andy and Allison at the same time.

"Listen–" Bender began – but promptly stopped mid-sentence with his mouth hanging open, as somebody stepped out from the house and onto the terrace.

Following his gaze, the three of them turned around.

Setting down her bag, Claire straightened her hair and flashed them all a nervous smile.



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