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For a moment, no one spoke. And then Bender turned to look at the other three.

"Who the hell invited her?" he asked, furiously.


Turning his chair round, he stared intently between Allison and Andrew.

"Judging by the gormless look on Dweebie's face, he had no idea she was comin'! So you two better start talking!" he cried.

"You know, I have just as much right to be here as you do," Claire told him, sitting down obstinately beside Brian.

"You reckon?" he retorted.

"Yeah I do. It's Allison's house and she invited me," Claire told him.

He nodded, turning back to look at Allison. "This your idea of a joke, Crazy?"

Allison opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

"You turned mute again?" he pressed.


Bender glanced back at Claire before he spoke again. "You know the funny thing is, she don't seem all that surprised to see me."

"You wouldn't have come if I told you..." Allison said, quietly.

"You're damn freakin' right I wouldn't!" he shouted.

She flinched but didn't respond again.

"You're quiet Sporto. Not jumping to her defence?" Bender asked, eyes burning with anger.

"Don't look at me, man. I thought you knew," Andy said.

"Yeah? Then you're as stupid as her," he said, gesturing to Allison.

With that, he stood up and stalked off into the house.

No body spoke for several moments then, and Claire glanced between her three friends, as if waiting for one of them to break the tense silence.

Exhaling deeply, Andy got up, pushing back his chair a little harder than necessary and disappearing inside.


John Bender was deep in sulk (though he liked to think of it more as 'thought'), sprawled across the small bed packed into his camper.

He wasn't sure how long he had been there, but after what could have been perhaps an hour or so, the AC/DC track that was blasting from the tinny stereo in the corner was softened to a low humming.

He lifted his head just in time to catch Brian Johnson turning the volume down.

"What'dyou think you're doin', Nerd?" he demanded, stubbing out his cigarette in the small ashtray and sitting up onto the edge of the bed.

Brian shrugged. "I just thought... you could use the company, you know?"

"Yeah? Well I'm fine just as I am but thanks for the offer, forgive me if I don't shed a tear of gratitude," Bender snapped.

Brian sighed, sitting on the dusty seat opposite him.

"Are you deaf?" he asked.

"No, I'm just wondering why you're still here, if you're so mad an all..." Brian said softly.

Bender shrugged, flipping his hair back from his face. "Damn thing won't start."

For a moment neither of them spoke, and then Bender huffed, seeing the small smile pulling at the corner of the other boy's mouth.

"You think this is funny Dorko?"

Brian straightened his face immediately, shaking his head.

Casting him another look, Bender took out a bottle of beer from a box stashed somewhere below the bed and cracked it open.

"John, is that wise?" he asked, disapprovingly.

"Well I aint driving anywhere am I so why not?"

"Well, you're not 21 and–"

Bender feigned fear, putting down the bottle and raising his hands in the air. "Oh! Oh no! Please don't call the cops, Big Bri!"

"All I'm saying is, drinking isn't going to solve your problems," Brian sighed. "And really John, I... I don't think Allison meant any harm. It's just, it's been a pretty long time since all of us were together, you know? Maybe she just thought it would be nice..."

"You wanna go sit in a war zone and get back to me?" Bender commented.

"I don't know about you, but I've been really looking forward to spring break, John. To see you guys. And if your van won't start... I guess you're staying for now. Would it really kill you to make an effort?" he asked.

"Jeez Dweebie, who put quarters in you? As long as she stays outta my way, we'll all get along just fine. We can even hold hands and skip," he said, taking another swig of beer. "That good with you?"

Brian gave him a sheepish smile. "Yeah, I guess."

"And the minute I get this heap of junk fixed, I'm gone."


"Alright, now get outta here," Bender told him, gesturing to the door.

"See you later, John," Brian smiled, getting up and leaving the van.

"Careful with that door–" he began.

Too late.

Brian shut the door with force, and Bender cursed as he heard the side-view mirror fall to the floor outside.

"Sorry!" Brian called.

It was going to be a long spring break.


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