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Sam and Brooklyn were in fact the first ones to the apartment. Brooklyn continued with writing her paper while Sam headed straight back to bed, not bothering to change out of his jeans. The front door suddenly opened and Avery and Gavin came into the kitchen.

"So how is he?" Avery sat at the table, while Gavin went into the bedroom to check on Sam. Brooklyn shrugged off a reply.

"He says he's fine." Brooklyn said and turned back to the computer. Avery got up and went into the bedroom after Gavin.

"Aw, you do look horrible." Avery said as she examined his pale face. Sam opened is eyes and coughed into his arm. Gavin tossed him some Halls and he unwrapped one and set the rest on the night table. Sam turned over in his bed and pulled the cover up over his head. Avery and Gavin went to the kitchen to consult with Brooklyn.

"Should we take him to a medi-center or something?" Avery asked. Brooklyn and Gavin shrugged.

"Why are you asking me? I'm not a doctor." Brooklyn didn't turn her steady gaze from the computer. Sam appeared in the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Brooklyn.

"I'll be fine." Sam coughed into his fist. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Sure, Sam definitely." Gavin said sarcastically. "If you were fine you wouldn't have missed that exam that got you sick in the first place." Sam held up his hands in defeat. Gavin's phone ringing filled the silence.


"That was Jack." Gavin slid his phone in his pocket. Sam went over to the fridge and found some orange juice.

"What did he want?" Sam grabbed a glass in the sink and poured some for himself.

"Just wondered why I wasn't at the house." Gavin shrugged. "I'm going to get Chinese." He grabbed his coat and keys and went out the door.

"We can't sit around and do nothing. Movies again?" Avery started looking through the stack again.

"Fine with me." Sam sat down in an armchair in the living room and closed his eyes. Brooklyn and Avery picked a chick flick and put it in the DVD player.

"Why Sam has this movie I will never know." Brooklyn said to Avery. Gavin knocking at the door interrupted them. Avery opened the door to find Gavin with red cheeks and his arms full of takeout containers.

"Hey. I didn't know what everyone wanted so I got a little bit of everything. It's getting cold out there." He put a hand full of wrapped chopsticks on the table. "Where's Sam? Actually don't answer that. He's probably sleeping." Brooklyn and Avery laughed, each of them grabbing a takeout container. All of them settling down on the couch, Brooklyn tucked her legs under her and pressed play on the remote. Gavin looked from Brooklyn to Avery.

"Sam had this movie?" They both nodded and burst out laughing. Sam jolted awake and quickly wiped his hand over his mouth.

"Sleep drool." He said sheepishly. "Oh, man where did you find this movie." Brooklyn looked at Avery and giggled.

"In the cabinet." Brooklyn replied. Sam looked at the TV then back at Brooklyn. "You're kidding me right? Cinderella Story? My sister left it over here. That is not mine." Sam went into the kitchen to find a drink. Brooklyn followed him and sat on the counter.

"Hey. You going to be okay?" Brooklyn asked as Sam handed her a glass. He shrugged and replied, "I'll be okay. Just stop worrying about me." Sam winced as he swallowed the juice.

"Isn't that what friends are for?" Brooklyn set her empty glass in the sink. Sam sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Yeah. I'd better be heading off to bed anyway." Sam left the kitchen and went to the bedroom. Brooklyn hopped off the counter and returned to the living room.

"Night Sam."

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