New Leo/Need event..?

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Hello everyone so a new Leo/Need event has been announced so I'm here to give you my thoughts on the cards from the gacha.

Also by the way I'm not gonna show the new 3 star and 2 star card due to that those cards not being public information yet but I just thought that the 4 stars were cool.

Gacha banner announcement :

Gacha banner announcement :

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Ichika :

Untrained :

Untrained :

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Trained :

So throughout the whole card set there is a train theme background that I really like if I'm being honest I just think the colors of everything really brings the whole card set together

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So throughout the whole card set there is a train theme background that I really like if I'm being honest I just think the colors of everything really brings the whole card set together. As for the untrained artwork I like it as well though there's not much to say on it due to the story not being out yet but nonetheless I still think it's decent.

Saki :

Untrained :

Untrained :

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Trained :

I just really love Saki's card in this set it's so colorful and playful for both the trained and untrained art

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I just really love Saki's card in this set it's so colorful and playful for both the trained and untrained art. One of my favorite cards out of this  set if I'm being home. For the untrained art I just like the scene of all of the Leo/Need girls hanging out having sodas and talking it's just a very comfy feel. As for the trained art I really love the background and lighting to the whole art in general like anything outside the train window is so beautiful I can't contain my love for backgrounds in me. Overall very lovely card!

(Also fun fact this is the second time a fish has been in the Saki's card the first one being for summer lim with the fish being in the water.)

Honami :

Untrained :

Untrained :

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Trained :

Even if Honami's card is my least favorite out of this whole set I can't deny for the untrained art Honami comforting this girl (which if my guess is correct one of the siblings due to the official description for the event? Don't really know thou...

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Even if Honami's card is my least favorite out of this whole set I can't deny for the untrained art Honami comforting this girl (which if my guess is correct one of the siblings due to the official description for the event? Don't really know though I could be wrong) is one of the sweetest things I seen. Though for the trained art at least for my preference it doesn't stick all that out to me compared to the others cards but I still think it's good. I really like the motion that the drawing captures of the moving train as well as the lighting it's very cool to see put together in my opinion.

That's all I have to say about the event pretty much due to the limited amount we know I can't really theorize anything for sure but the event looks good so hopefully the story is interesting!

I wish all the luck for people who are gonna be pulling banners may the 4 stars you want come home! Hopefully gacha doesn't treat you too roughly!

(In addition just want to say I am working on the last part for my favorite 4 star series I just was burnt out a little so I thought writing about something else and taking a break would help. I'll try to get out the last part soon if my inspiration kicks up again. Just wanted to say that for people who are wondering!)

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