Stuck on an deserted island?! (NOT CLICK BAIT?!)

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Event Title : "A Desperate Situation!? Island Panic!"

It's only in WonderlandxShowtime where your vacation arc would be you and your friends stuck on an deserted island.

This event seems chaotic enough and I'm all here for it

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This event seems chaotic enough and I'm all here for it.

I'm curious to see how things will play out between the WonderlandxShowtime but I can already tell that this is gonna be a fun and silly event to read.

Anyways here is the list of cards! :

As always English translations are by @pjsekai_eng on Twitter!

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As always English translations are by @pjsekai_eng on Twitter!

Kinda happy that it's no vocaloid 4 star cards around so that means that Tsukasa, Nene and Emu will all be getting new outfits which I'm excited to see how they'll look!

Although possibly we will be getting a vocaloid card as a 3 star or 2 star but I don't really know to be honest I'm just guessing at this point.

The card preview looks very nice as well so I hope that all cards follow this illustrative theme.

Overall very excited for this event to see what it has in store as well as the original song that will
be going with this event!

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