My favorite 4 star cards for each project sekai character! (Part 1/2 Leoneed)

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Literally just as the title says and I'm gonna be showing you all my top 3 for each one since there's been a lot of 4 stars that each character has had. It's been a fun little series that I've been wanting to make for a little bit now!
(Also I'm curious if you have any favorite cards what are yours? I know people have different taste in what they consider to be good card art for Project Sekai so it's very interesting to see other peoples opinions on the matter.)

Ichika Hoshino :
1. Untrained :

 Untrained :

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Trained :

Trained :

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2. Untrained :

 Untrained :

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Trained :

Trained :

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I talk about Project Sekai cards and stories cause I have things to say.Where stories live. Discover now