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(y/n): your name

(n/n): nickname

(h/c): hair color

(e/c): eye color

(s/c):skin color

(f/c): favorite color

(f/f): favorite food

(f/f/t): favorite flower type

Or Prologue

Long ago, in ancient China, the peacocks ruled over Gongmen City. They brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented fireworks. But their son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the fireworks.

What had brought color and joy could also bring darkness and destruction. For this reason they went to their friends in the west for consolation. For they had a daughter who was currently of age to look for a suitor, and so an arrangement was made. The two young heirs were now betrothed.

But then one day tragedy struck.....

One late night in spring the royal family of the west was attacked by a man named Kie. The only survivor was the princess. With nowhere else to go the king and queen decided to take her into their home in Gongmen city. When the princess arrived she was immediately taken in by the king and queen and so her studies of ruling began.

As the years went on the two peacocks were hesitant toward each other considering their predicament. The two honestly didn't know what to think of one another and each we're curious. It started off small, seeing each other in the halls, seeing each other in the gardens, helping each other study. And soon the two had become great 'friends'. Before ultimately falling deeply in love with one another. But it wasn't enough and soon Shen turned his gaze back to the power of the fireworks.

Seeing this Shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer. She foretold that if Shen continued down this dark path, he would be defeated by a warrior of black and white. The young lord set out to change his fate, but what he did next... only sealed it. But little did he know that missed the next part of the prophecy.

After what he did Shen returned to his parents full of pride, but in their faces, he only saw horror. But what disturbed him most were not the look on his parents' faces but the look of sadness and despair that was displayed on the face of the princess who looked to Shen with tears in her eyes.

He was banished from the city forever.

But Shen swore revenge: Someday, he would return, and all of China would bow at his feet.

{ 20 years later }

A door to the shadow puppet scene closes and then cuts to a foundry in the mountains. A pack of wolves are seen heaving, pounding, and burning metal. One of the wolves, a large soldier with one eye, jumps over to Shen and bows.

"It's almost done, Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal." He says with his head still bowed as a figure bathed in shadow comes forward only illuminated by the fires of the foundry around him

"Search the farthest villages. Find more metal! China and the princess will be mine." He says menacingly before turning his back on the wolf and walking away into the darkness.

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