Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Long ago, the kingdom of Yawen used to be called the kingdom of Don and was ruled by an evil tyrant by the name of Kai, Kai was a kung fu master who was later corrupted by his own greed. Pillaging and taxing its citizens for years, and many suffered under his cruel dictatorship. Until one day when a young male peacock by the name of Aiguo took a stand. He was the son of a scribe who worked for Kai and saw the mistreatment of those around them and started an uprising. He went into town and preached convincing the people to rise up against their oppressor and take back their city for a better life.

Slowly he accumulated a following and it slowly grew into a full scale revolution. Gaining the support of Gongmen city they fought tirelessly, and after five years of war Kai was finally banished from the land and the people placed Aiguo as Yawen's first king. After that day the city was officially renamed and was forever ruled by the nobel peacock family of the west. For many years it was the strongest nation in the world with many natural resources and spiritual outlets. The King now, is known as the Fair king and was beloved by his people. But some say that Kai will come back to collect his throne if he ever gets the chance. Meanwhile others say he will do nothing while we are allied with the Gongmen house. 

"Right, amazing rich history." I said sarcastically. I wanted to be done with my history lesson for the day. "Can I go now?" I asked in a very whiny tone to my history tutor, Jin, a young tall tiger with broad shoulders, well-built arms, and a muscular frame. He was in his late twenties. His eyes are narrow and hazel colored eyes with a hint of mischief that shows how caring and warm he was.

"Yes, Your Highness." Jin stated and bowed to me.

"I already told you to stop calling me that and no bowing. I'm just like you." I told him.

"Well, yes, of course, you Hi-" he cleared his throat, "(Y/n)."

"Better." I said with a smile, usually only those with royal blood could address a member of the royal family as such but to me he did feel like family. No it's not like I'm the only one to break the rule as well as I was not the oldest nor the youngest of my siblings. In fact, I was child number seven of ten but the second female child to be born in the family. I was supposed to be someone special but really I was just another peacock.

"Now, then," I stated, "Go get yourself a wife, Jin. Being a handmaiden to a little girl must be boring. Get a wife or husband, have some fun and-" I begin before getting cut off.

"Okay, young (Y/n), run along." He told me with a nervous sigh shooed me away. jumping out of my chair I quickly enveloped him in a hug before running. I went through the large palace halls ducking and dodging around workers to the garden as it was the fastest route. By now they were all accustomed to my rambunctious behavior, I am eleven after all and that didn't stop them from not being prepared when I was around.

"Watch out!" I yelled to warn them as I weaved through the servant's, careful to keep my feathers from being stepped on. They all laughed in amusement and greeted me as I smiled softly. successfully making it outside I saw my older brother of two years, a yellow and gold peacock named Feng, struggling to shoot his arrow in the center of the target. All my brothers were out here for their archery lesson. sneakily I grabbed a bow and arrow from my elder brother's hand and shot my arrow past him and to the center of the target.

All five of them turned their heads to see the origin of the shot. My brothers were all smiling and clapping for me while Feng pouted. I bowed as they applauded as I learned archery on my own. Jin helped me sharpen my skills. I came closer to all of them and put down my bow.

"How are you so good at this?" Feng whined. "It's this thing called 'being good at it'." I teased grabbing a throwing  knife and tossing it into the center of the target while facing him."You know what?" He said before he started chasing me. I ran away from him to my oldest brother, Han. Han was a dark blue and gold peacock of twenty years old and the heir to the throne. I quickly ran behind him hiding in his robe when he realized Feng was chasing me. Laughing Han held up his hand to make Feng stop.

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