Chapter 3

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The boat ride back to the valley was long and after everything that happened I was so exhausted I felt I could sleep for ages but everytime I closed my eyes the vision of my family in the courtyard manifested itself. The thought that Maybe Kai was still out there haunted me like a cold chill down my spine that never left.

We arrived late to a place they simply called 'the valley' which was due north of my home, it was night so our path was lit only by the lanterns that lined the streets and the light of the moon. From what I could see it was a beautiful place to live, filled with many trees and beautiful homes when we came along a large castle-like structure.

"Come along now, your highness." Shifu beckoned, breaking me out of my trance. "What is this place?..." I asked wearily looking up the large staircase to the now looming building. "This your highness is the jade palace. It is entirely safe I assure you." He reassured me, gesturing for me to take a step. Oogway placed a large hand on my shoulder giving me a small smile.

"Take a breath my dear, and take as long as you need." Giving a firm nod and taking a deep breath I quickly stepped onto the stairs and began my ascent. Making it to the top of the stairs I stood there for a moment out of breath looking in surprise at the fact that neither of the two kung fu masters in front of me were out of breath.

"H-how are the both of you not dying like me right now?" I gasped in shock making the two look at me with an amused expression. "Let us just say that we have grown accustomed to the feat." Oogway smiled before gesturing for me to follow once again. Moving past the tall gates and into the courtyard I saw many things that looked like they belonged in a training room as well as statues of people who had trained here before.

We walked along the palace walls when suddenly a small voice caught my attention. "Shifu? Have you returned?" A small voice said, making me look and see a small snow leopard in the doorway not too far from us. "Who is she?" He then asked curiously "she's pretty!" He then exclaimed, making me blush at the sudden comment from the child. "She is none of your concern." Shifu shushed with a firm tone. "Now head to bed, you have a big day tomorrow." The boy simply gave a small nod and a sigh before doing as told and leaving us to our own devices.

"Come along now princess, I'm sure you're exhausted from all that's happened." Oogway said moving me down the hall once again, my eyes lingering on the now empty doorway. "Who was that boy?" I asked curiously, making Shifu sigh "That, my dear is my boy, Tai Lung, he is my son and has become my protégé in kung fu." He beamed, making me smile. "You must be proud! How old is he?" I asked. "Hmm yes, very proud indeed, he's currently at the age of nine." He exclaimed.

"Ahh here we are!" Oogway then announced as we stopped at a set of large red doors. Placing his garage clawed hand on the door he gently pushed it open to reveal a large lavishly decorated room covered in golden dragons. "Wow..." I gaped taking a step into the spacious room. "This is where you'll be staying while you're with us." Said the turtle with a smile. "Of course I do hope everything is to your liking, for we don't know how long you'll be with us." Moving toward the bed in the back and feeling the silk sheets smiled.

"It's perfect, thank you oh so very much!" I beamed at the two creatures. "But of course your highness it's our pleasure." Shifu smiled, placing his paw over his chest and bowed slightly. "Now let us leave, we've all had a long night..." Oogway sighed before they both started leaving the room. "Oh and one more thing princess." Shifu said at the doorway. "I'm so very sorry for your loss." Giving him a fake smile and a small nod I replied. "Thank you... I hope I can make them proud." With that Shifu closed the door and left me all alone in a place I didn't know.

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