my actual opinion (2022)

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so, uh. i never thought id even touch this account within 10 miles foot radius. as im extremely shameful of all the stuff i did under this name. i hate it. really i do. i hated how i was here before, i hate how i used to be. god knows i really do.

so this i gonna be short, i started this account when i was very young (i dont want to reveal my age but its in the 9-12 range). i was very naive, and undertale was my online baby fandom (which means i get to actually interact with people online for the very first time from a fandom), so i didnt fully understand alot of fandom etiquette, terms and controversies.

i didnt understand anything, i was very immature, and i do apologize and regret it alot. 

(because, jesus, my past personal vendetta against soriel was intense. wow. the ship didnt even do anything wrong lol i was so insufferable)

this was my most toxic phase ever. but everyone in their life has been toxic at one point amirite? though despite this being my most toxic point, it is the time where i made so many online friends, seriously, ive never been so social (since i eventually become introverted) and have many friends. majority, i lost touch with, (only having one left whom i dont talk to alot)... so if youre reading this and you recognize me. hi, its emilydameifwa. i hope youre doing okay. 

im not coming and im never coming back, i am serious on turning a new leaf, i plan on leaving all of this behind, i just wanted to leave my final and actual statement for all of this. (edit 2023: i lied oops but im definently not reactivating this account just revisiting from time to time) :P

and i do genuinely apologize if i offended anyone, i was a really dumb gradeschooler

 my opinions and thoughts here from the past, do not uphold what i think now.

(though im not planning on saying on what my new opinions, just know that i dont support nor ship actual problematic ships. and the ship bashing i did, i dont really care anymore and its honestly undeserved for the ships that didnt deserve it, ship what you want)

 ....but why am i am still putting this story up? not sure. to reflect? i really am not sure. perhaps in the future id crack open this book again and laugh at  how fucking immature i was lmao like shopping is not that serious oh lorddd bit yeah . i do have the habit of not letting nostalgia go, thinking that id look back one day.but maybe i'd delete this one day. not sure. but when i feel like it, i would. 

and um, mini life update i guess, i dont care about undertale anymore. at all. even deltarune. i still draw fanart and are in fandoms, but i wont tell where i am because i dont want to be associated with this account anymore. im transmasc nonbinary (but im not really sure on my sexuality, currently bi-curious). i still dont have a partner. found out i was neurodivergent 2 years ago. graduated school. been in atleast 4 major fandoms after underte, and i guess thats all?

..... and well finally final thoughts. undertale was my very first fandom, its the phase where rrlyyy  ashamed of, but it makes me glad i learned and grew alot because of it. thank you everyone who supported me, especially the old friends i used to have here . and to the ppl who werent a fan of my opinions, eh, have a go at my very outdated and a bit closeminded opinions i guess? you do you

 i dont check comments but id check comments in this chapter if youd leave some, not guaranteed id reply tho

anyways. if you read all of that. thanks. well.... this is my actual final goodbye. bye everyone. take care.

[UBER OUTDATED💀] My Opinions On Undertale ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now