One day. Sonic was visiting France where Marinette lives, when he sees Master Fu almost getting attacked by one of Hawk Moth's akumatized villian's robots. Sonic, without thinking, dashed into the robot, smashing it into pieces and got Master Fu to safety.
Sonic: Whew, that was a close call. Are you alright sir? That robot almost killed you.
Master Fu: Yes. I am fine. You have some great speed there hedgehog.
Sonic: Just call me Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. I use my speed to save others and keep many people safe. Now, stay here and I'll be right back. I'm going to give who is responsible for that robot a piece of my mind.
Sonic then dashed off to fight the villain. Master Fu was surprised about Sonic's heroic actions as he watched Sonic after the villain. Sonic found the villain was Max who was akumatized into Robo-Commando, a villain how can create robots to do as he says. Chameleon Noir (who was Espio) and Ladybug (who was Marinette) were fighting these robots but they weren't fast enough for defeat them.
Ladybug: It's no use! These robots are going too fast!
Chameleon Noir: Don't worry milady, I use my cataclysm to destroy them!
Sonic: or you need someone who is fast enough to catch up with them!
Ladybug: Who are you?
Chameleon Noir: No way! Are you Sonic the hedgehog?!
Sonic: The one and only. Now stand back, I got these metal heads, you just take care of their leader.
Sonic ran after the robots and smashed them into bits without breaking a sweat. After they rescued Max and returned everything to normal, Sonic took off while saying goodbye to Ladybug and Chamelon Noir.
Chameleon Noir: I can't believe we fought with THE Sonic the hedgehog!
Ladybug: Fanboy much Chameleon?
Chameleon Noir: You have no idea how amazing that guy is!
Before Chameleon Noir can explain how amazing Sonic is, their miraculous started to beep as they're about to return to their normal forms.
Ladybug: Talk to me about it another time, we gotta go. See ya.
Chameleon Noir: alright. Until we meet again.
They went their separate ways as they returned to normal. The next day, Sonic was visiting a food cart to enjoy some lunch, when he saw Master Fu walking to him with a smile on his face.
Sonic: Oh, you're the same guy I saved yesterday. How are you?
Master Fu: I am good Sonic the hedgehog, and I have a proposal for you. Follow me.
Sonic got curious about what Master Fu has to offer him, but he followed Master Fu anyway. Once they got to Master Fu's house, he and Sonic both sat down at a table.
Master Fu: I was watching you fight those robots all by yourself Sonic. Your speed is incredible and now you can boost it up with some help.
Sonic: Boost up my speed? What do you mean?
Master Fu took out a small box with a miraculous inside.
Master Fu: Sonic the hedgehog, this is the miraculous of the roadrunner, which will grant you the power to boost up your speed. You will use it for the greater good.
Sonic: huh?
Sonic slowly took the box from Master Fu and looked at it. He wasn't sure if he can trust him, but he took a deep breath and opened the box to reveal a roadrunner anklet. Suddenly, a small blue light flashed around him and revealed itself as a roadrunner kwami.
Rudi: Hi, my name is Rudi and I will be your kwami.
Sonic: whoa. He's cool. So... what do I have to do?
Rudi: oh that's easy. To help you transform, all you have to say "Rudi, speed up!" to activate your powers and when you want to deactivate them, just say "Rudi, slow down." Okay?
Sonic: got it.
Sonic puts on the miraculous and looks at Rudi.
Sonic: I think to keep you safe, you better hide in my jacket pocket. I don't want anyone to see you.
Rudi nodded and slipped into Sonic's top right pocket of his jacket. Sonic chuckled as he thanked Master Fu for his gift.
Master Fu: I trust you Sonic the hedgehog. Oh and one more thing. Make sure he's well fed. A kwami can become weak after using their powers.
Sonic: right.
Sonic waved goodbye to Master Fu and left his home. A few hours later, Sonic saw a boy with blonde hair sitting outside out his home sighing. Sonic walked up to him to see what was wrong.
Sonic: Hi, my name is Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. What's your name?
Espio: hey, my name is Espio. It's nice to meet you Sonic. I am a big fan of yours.
Sonic: heh heh. Thanks. So, why are you sitting out here by yourself?
Espio: it's my mom. She always keeps me away from my friends because she thinks that they're an "influence" on me. He only wants me to hang out with people like Lyla or Chloe who is obsessed over and I don't like her.
Sonic: I know that feeling. Hey, maybe we can hang out together. Just you and me.
Espio: but what if-
Sonic: I don't care what your mother says. I want you to have fun. Make sure you go out to places where they are fun. What do you say? I promise to bring you home before anyone notices.
Espio: you know what Sonic, you're right. Let's do it.
Sonic smiled as they run off to go have a boys day outing. What they didn't notice is that Gabby (Espio's mother) saw the whole thing, but she allowed him to have fun for this once. She was too busy planning on getting Ladybug and Chameleon Noir's miraculous to save her husband, Tom (Espio's father). Then, she saw a 16 year old girl by the name of Zoe who was hurt because her crush didn't like her gift. summoned Nooroo, a butterfly Kwami.
Gabby: well Nooroo, looks like we have a new victim to help get Ladybug and Chameleon Noir's miraculous. Nooroo, dark wings rise!
Nooroo was sent into the butterfly miraculous and Gabby transformed into the villainous Hawk-Moth. Hawk-Moth sent an akuma to go after Zoe as it went into the jacket she made.
Hawk-Moth: Zoe, I am Hawk-Moth. I can see that your gift has been rejected. I can help you get your revenge on your crush in exchange for Ladybug and Chameleon Noir's miraculous. From now on, you will be known as Sewer.
Zoe: As you wish Hawk-Moth. Tyler will pay for breaking my heart.
Zoe was akumatized into the sewer with a fashion desginer suit with a big sewing needle with thread that sew someone into place for a long time. While Sonic and Espio were hanging out at the arcade enjoying their time together, they heard people scream as they ran away from The Sewer.
Sewer: I am Sewer! I will use my sewing needle to sew people into place and to capture Ladybug and Chameleon Noir while getting revenge on my ex-crush Tyler!
Tyler: Zoe, I can explain!
Sewer: too late Tyler! You broke my heart and now you pay the price!
Espio: Oh no! Another victim of Hawk-Moth!
Sonic: who?
Espio: a villain who's after these things called a miracu-
Espio paused as he sees the anklet on Sonic's left ankle.
Espio: Do you-
Sonic didn't say anything as he took Espio into the kitchen to hide.
Sonic: We should be safe here.
Espio: Do you have... a miraculous?
Sonic froze in fear as he tried to come up with a lie.
Espio: Don't worry. I have one too and I promise that this secret is just between the two of us.
Sonic: really?
Espio: yeah. Maybe we can work together to hold of the Sewer until Ladybug gets here.
Sonic: well, okay.
Rudi and Plagg came out of hiding as they high-five each other.
Rudi: So cool!
Plagg: we get to work together as partners! Oh hello Sonic. I'm Plagg. Nice to meet you.
Sonic: Hi.
Rudi: and it's nice to meet you Espio. My name is Rudi.
Espio: Hi Rudi. Shall we Sonic?
Sonic: Let's do it. Rudi, speed up!
Sonic stomped his left foot on the ground as Rudi went into the miraculous. Sonic transformed into a costume that looks like a blue roadrunner.
Sonic: awesome. I shall be known as, Speeder.
Espio: Cool name. Plagg, claws out!
Plagg entered the ring miraculous and Espio was transformed into Chameleon Noir.
Speeder: So you're that chameleon hero from yesterday.
Chameleon Noir: yep.
Speeder: come on. We got work to do.
Chameleon Noir and Speeder ran off as they saw Ladybug already fighting the Sewer.
Speeder: aw man. We didn't even get started and yet she arrives to hog all the fun.
Ladybug saw Sonic as Speeder and was in shocked to see that he had a miraculous on him.
Ladybug: a new hero?
Hawk-Moth was also in shocked to see a new hero fighting with Ladybug and Chameleon Noir.
Hawk-Moth: What?! A new miraculous holder?! Sewer, make sure to defeat him and grab his miraculous too!
Sewer: you got it Hawk-Moth!
Sewer tried to sew Speeder down but he ran past her threads. Speeder kicked Sewer down into the ground as he wrapped some cords around her.
Speeder: that should hold her down for a bit. So what now?
Ladybug: leave that to me. Lucky charm!
Her yo-yo summoned a pair of scissors.
Ladybug: Scissors?
Speeder: I might have an idea. What if the thing that's controlling her is inside of that thread?
Ladybug was shocked to see that Speeder was actually right. Suddenly, Sewer sewed down Chameleon Noir and Tyler on the floor as she walked to them.
Sewer: So you didn't like my gift I gave you for your birthday huh? Well I'm going to sew you up like a patch after I grab the miraculous.
Ladybug gave Speeder the scissor and whispers the idea she had. Speeder nodded and used his new speed to run around Sewer as he used the scissor to cut the thread. The akuma then flew out of the thread and began to fly away.
Ladybug: No more evil doings for you little akuma. Time to de-evillize!
Ladybug captures the akuma in her yo-yo as it returned into a white butterfly.
Ladybug: Gotcha. Bye-bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!
With everything returned to normal, Zoe returned to normal and couldn't remember what happened.
Zoe: huh? How did I get here?
Hawk-Moth: Curse you Ladybug! I make sure that my plans are sewn into place!
Speeder and Chameleon Noir returned into the kitchen as they returned into Sonic and Espio. They panted as they were tired from the fight, they looked each other as they laughed and high-five each other!
Sonic: that was awesome!
Espio: I know right! Oh we're going to make a great team!
Sonic: you said it!
They fed their kwamis their favorite food, cheese and fruit and left the kitchen to go out somewhere else. After they left, Tyler walked over to Zoe feeling guilty about hurting her feelings.
Tyler: I'm sorry Zoe. I didn't mean to hurt you. In all honesty, I love your gift. I was just... jealous about how well it turned because I can never beat your special talent.
Zoe: aw thank you Tyler.
They went out together to go on a date to the cafe.

Sonic's and Emily's Wedding
RomanceSonic and Emily Are Marrying Emily Accepted Sonic's Marriage Proposal They Will Live Happily Ever After