Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Mane Six Wedding

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The Mane Six Wedding

Chapter 1

Princess Celestia and her husband Prince Solaris, the princess and prince of the sun, and the older sovereigns of Equestria, were winding down another very busy day. Between trade agreements with the Griffon Nations to the north and disputes over a rising industrial nation to the east, Celestia and Solaris were about ready to lower the sun and retire for the night.

When the last appointment for the day was led out of the throne room, Celestia and Solairs stood and stretched just as a swirl of green smoke drifted in front of them and coalesced into a scroll. Celestia grabbed it with her magic before it could fall and unfurled it as she sat down. "Look at this, Solaris. A letter just came in today." Celestia said to her husband. Prince Solaris raised an eyebrow and said "Well, who's it from?" His wife looked at the signature at the end. "Why it's from my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle!" Princess Celestia said with a smile. Prince Solaris then sat down next to his wife and said "Well, let's see what it says" They looked at the letter, which says:

Dear Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris,

Recently my study into the magic of friendship has taken a rather... dramatic turn. Why has it taken a dramatic turn you ask? Well, because About a day ago, all fourteen of us, Spike and Barb included, were enjoying a picnic on the outskirts of Ponyville when the most wonderful thing had just happened! Dusk Shine had proposed to me! All of them, Rainbow Blitz to Rainbow Dash, Butterscotch to Fluttershy, Elusive to Rarity, AJ to... AppleJack, and Bubble Berry to Pinkie Pie, they all proposed! While we haven't decided on a proper date, we have all agreed that it would most likely be held within a month or two. I'll send you another letter with the date once it's been decided. I wonder if we should have a group wedding. There's so much to work out!

Twilight Sparkle.

Princess Celestia looked at the letter a couple of times before smiling and said "Well, I don't know about you, but I am quite happy for my student and her friends." "I'm quite happy for them as well." Prince Solaris said. "Do you think they should have a group wedding?" "Hmmm. Well, if you, my sister Luna, your brother Artemis, and I had a double wedding a long time ago, I don't see why our respective students, and their friends can't have a group wedding." His wife said. "Why don't you go ahead and lower the sun while I write a letter to Twilight.." "Ok." Prince Solaris said as he stood up and left the room while Princess Celestia began writing the letter.

-Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique-

"Rainbow Dash, will you please stop fidgeting? I can't finish measuring if you can't stop moving." Rarity said as she tried to measure Rainbow Dash who keeps moving. Despite Rarity's pleas, she continued to fidget ever so slightly and cast a quick glance at the other girls waiting on the sidelines. "I can't stand getting fitted for dresses. Why do I have to do this?" Rainbow asked annoyed. "Because you're getting married!" Rarity answered with just the slightest tinge of anger leaking through as she tightened a strap around Rainbow's waist, forcing the air out of the pegasus, "It simply wouldn't be proper for you to do so without a wedding dress." "Blitz wouldn't care." Rainbow Dash said. "I assure you Elusive is doing the exact same thing to him. Stop squirming Rainbow Dash! This is why you're the worst out of all of us to fit." Rarity said. "How am I worse than Pinkie Pie?!" Rainbow asked pointing a wing to Pinkie Pie and tried to ignore the measuring tape squeezing around her chest.

"There are ways to keep her still." Rarity said. "I will admit that it is a bit of a close call between you and Applejack." "Ah'm worse than Pinkie?!" Applejack shouted. "Like I said, there are ways to keep her still." Rarity said as she moved the measuring tape and made one last measurement, "and you're done." "Oh thank Celestia!" Rainbow all but yelled and started flying away, only for Rarity to grab her tail magically. "I'm still going to need you for something later, so you're going to need to stay here." Rarity said not wanting Rainbow Dash to leave. Rainbow Dash groaned in frustration as she sulked over to the group and sat next to Twilight. "Do you want to read a book?" Twilight asked levitating a book next to Rainbow Dash. Rainbow just looked angrily at her before sulking a little more. "Applejack, you're next!" Rarity exclaimed happily.

"Alright, let's get this over with," Applejack said and took Rainbow's place next to Rarity. "Hat off please." Rarity said as AppleJack took off her hat. "What do you think the guys are doing?" Fluttershy quietly asked Pinkie Pie. Pinkie hummed loudly for a few moments before shrugging and saying, "I dunno."

-Meanwhile at Twilight's Library-

"And you're done now AJ!" Elusive said placing his measuring tape around his neck. "A'right, ah'll be with the others," AJ said flipping his hat back onto his head and walking over to the group. "Ooh ooh, does that mean it's my turn?!" Bubble Berry said waving a hoof in the air. "Yes, it is," Elusive answered with a nod. "Hooray!" Berry shouted and bounced over to Elusive. Once on the measuring platform he continued to bounce and monologue about something or other. "This is going to be so much fun! What do you think the girls are doing? Do you think they're getting fitted for their dresses? What do you think they'll look like? Am I the only one wondering how weird it is that we're going to be marrying ourselves? Oh who cares, they're just too cute!"

"Rainbow Blitz, Dusk Shine, can you help me for a minute?" Elusive asked waving a hoof. Rainbow Blitz and Dusk Shine shared a look before shrugging and walking over to Elusive. The three started whispering among themselves, Butterscotch and AJ watching them curiously, until Rainbow jerked away from them. "You can't be serious!" he yelled. "It's worked the last few times I've tried it," Elusive said seriously. Rainbow looked between Elusive and a still monologuing Berry Bubble and face hoofed. "This is so stupid, but what the hay, let's do it." Rainbow Blitz said. "Excellent, the plate should be in the kitchen." Elusive said as Rainbow and Dusk nodded and left the room downstairs. "It was really nice of Twilight to let us use the library since she and the girls commandeered Carousel Boutique," Berry added as he started bouncing in a circle, "I wonder what we're going to do when the wedding date is set. Are we going to have one giant wedding, or six smaller wedding for all of us?" Berry's sudden question caused Butterscotch to suddenly freeze. Thankfully Blitz and Dusk returned with the latter's horn lit up and one of the former's wings extended.

"Hey Berry!" Rainbow shouted. "Yes Rainbow?" Berry asked. Blitz responded by lowering the wing to reveal a plate of cupcakes held aloft by Dusk Shine, resulting in Berry freezing on the spot to stare at them. "Ooh, cupcakes.""Stay!" Elusive shouted at Berry, who did what he was told and looked between Elusive and the cupcakes."But..." Bubble Berry tried to say, but was interrupted by Elusive. "Stay. You can only have the cupcakes when I say you can, so be a dear and stay still until then." Elusive said as he prepared to measure Bubble Berry. "Ok." Bubble Berry said. Dusk Shine took the moment to set plate of cupcakes down, Berry never looking away, and walked back to Applejack and Butterscotch with Rainbow. "I can't believe that actually worked," Rainbow said slightly depressed. "It's rather fascinating," Dusk said, "and Berry does raise a point. How should we plan the weddings?" "Um, shouldn't we discuss that with the girls?" Butterscotch said. "Yeah, we probably should," AJ added. "Hey, do you think this trick works on Pinkie Pie?" Rainbow Blitz asked. It wouldn't be until much, much later that that question would be answered with a 'yes.'

-Meanwhile at the Carousel Boutique-

Spike came through the door, followed by Barb. "Hey, girls! We just got a letter from the princess!" Spike said handing Twilight the letter. Twilight Sparkle then picked up the letter with her magic, unfurled it, and started to read the letter which says:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I just got your letter, and I just wanna say congratulations to you and your friends. My husband and I are so happy for you and your friends. When I looked at the letter, and I was thinking that you should have a group wedding. I can't wait for the big day! See you in one or two months!

Princess Celestia.

"A group wedding sounds like a really good idea! Don't you think so girls?!" Twilight Sparkle asked her friends who all agreed and cheered out of joy. Twilight Sparkle looked back at the letter and thought to herself and smiled. "After a very long time of dating, and growing fond of the stallion version of ourselves respectively, we are finally getting married! I can hardly wait!"

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