The sheds at Kirk Ronan were unusually quiet that evening. Usually, Richard, Neil, Mary and Samson would be talking about the days' events, and sometimes jokes would be made at the expense of either Richard or Samson, sometimes both, or there would be a few arguments if they had a particularly bad day. Tonight was not one of them, for they were in the presence of the railway's newest engine, Hiro. For a long time, no one had said anything, but it was Hiro who wanted to try and break the ice between himself and the box tanks. The trouble was, his knowledge of English was very limited.
"Hello..." Hiro said slowly. "I know this is a..." He tried to think; what word was he supposed to use? Worry? Aredesu ka? [Is that it?]
"...worry to see me," he said at last. "But I do not want to hurt you."
"Easy for you to say!" snapped Richard. "You're probably one of those leftover Japanese spies that came to invade us to get secrets for your railway back home!"
"Richard!" snapped Mary. "That's no way to speak to him!" She then turned to Hiro. "I do apologize for Richard's behavior. I promise that he is the exception and not the rule. Well, him and Samson."
"I resent that remark!"
Hiro looked gratefully over at Mary. "Arigatō," he said in his native tongue. She seemed to have that effect on him.
"Er... arigatō to you too?"
Hiro chuckled a bit. "That means 'thank you'."
"Oh, I see," said Mary. "Is that the language you normally speak, Hiro?"
"Hai... I mean, yes." Hiro blushed with embarrassment. "I cannot speak English too good yet."
"I see you've had to learn our language on the way here," remarked Neil. "You seem to speak it pretty well for someone who's just been introduced to it."
"Thank you," said Hiro. "I... hope to get better as time goes on."
"We can help you improve your English," said Mary.
"Yes," said Neil. "And maybe you can teach us a few words from your language too."

Sonic's and Emily's Wedding
RomanceSonic and Emily Are Marrying Emily Accepted Sonic's Marriage Proposal They Will Live Happily Ever After