Rouge: Emily, Come to us to Pool, Water so Cool?
Emily: No, Guys I Will not Join you.
Rouge: Whisper* Guys Let's get pouring water on Emily's head, let She's get Cool. This will be Prank Ever.
Amy Rose: Let's Prank her, She's Afraid of Spiders.
Emily: Hey, That's no fun, I'm All wet Girl.
Rouge: Oh Sweetheart, you have something on your head?
Emily: Spider, I Afraid Spiders.
Emily: That's it. I'm outta of here.
Emily: Enough Pranking me.
Sil'ver: We Pranked Her.
Master Fu: Emily, Wait?
Emily: What the? huh? Emily: Master fu, My Depression getting worse.
Master fu: Barkk, you Levitate after Emily.
Barkk: Yes. I Trying to catch up with her up.
Barkk: Emily feeded me, with Cookies in form Bones.
Barkk: Emily, Are you okay?
Emily: Barkk, I'm not okay.
Emily: I Scared of Spiders.
Barkk: This was a fake Spider not Real Spider.
Emily: Barkk, You're The Best Kwami.
Emily: Barkk, My Depression Is Down.
Emily: I Know that you my Best Kwami If you become a human.
Emily: Barkk you will have Beautiful Dress. and bezel like yours ears Of Doggy.
Emily: I Won't be alone.
Emily: I Need to be Alone.
Barkk: If you need Help Just Say to me?
Barkk: Emily, Maybe you need my Advices?
Emily: Barkk, you're right.
Barkk: Emily, If Sonic your New In Love Boyfriend, Maybe Wayzz, can Explain to you?
Emily: Kwami Of Carapace.
Barkk: Don't cry, I'm here. Plagg: Barkk, There you are! Tikki: We Everywhere Looking for You, All Kwamis Must Have Fun. Barkk: huh Plagg, Tikki, I Can't fly with you, I Need to stay By Side with my owner, She's in Depression.
Barkk: I Hope Wayzz Will come. and I Will Explain everything to Wayzz,
Tikki: Barkk Wait a minute, are you Staying with your owner?
Barkk: Yes. Sorry Guys. Everything will be fine, I Promise?
Wayzz: Barkk. Barkk: huh Wayzz, Finally you here. Wayzz: Barkk What's going on?
Barkk: I Will Explain everything to you Wayzz, Emily in Depression.
Barkk: We can't to Tell Names our Owners. Carapace is Gone away, Lady Sobachka in Depression.
Plagg: Sass, Barkk Told us that She can't fly with us, She Need to stay By Side With Her Owner.
Tikki: It's Her Work. Plagg: Let's Have fun with Barkk.
Sass: I Understand, Barkk She's all alone.
Barkk: Emily, Are you crying?
When somebody loved me
Everything was beautiful
Every hour spent together

Sonic's and Emily's Wedding
RomanceSonic and Emily Are Marrying Emily Accepted Sonic's Marriage Proposal They Will Live Happily Ever After