Chapter Thirty-Seven: Depression Emily

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Rouge: Emily, Come to us to Pool, Water so Cool?

Emily: No, Guys I Will not Join you.

Rouge: Whisper* Guys Let's get pouring water on Emily's head, let She's get Cool. This will be Prank Ever.

Amy Rose: Let's Prank her, She's Afraid of Spiders.

Emily: Hey, That's no fun, I'm All wet Girl.

Rouge: Oh Sweetheart, you have something on your head?

Emily: Spider, I Afraid Spiders.

Emily: That's it. I'm outta of here.

Emily: Enough Pranking me.

Sil'ver: We Pranked Her.

Master Fu: Emily, Wait?

Emily: What the? huh? Emily: Master fu, My Depression getting worse.

Master fu: Barkk, you Levitate after Emily.

Barkk: Yes. I Trying to catch up with her up.

Barkk: Emily feeded me, with Cookies in form Bones.

Barkk: Emily, Are you okay?

Emily: Barkk, I'm not okay.

Emily: I Scared of Spiders.

Barkk: This was a fake Spider not Real Spider.

Emily: Barkk, You're The Best Kwami.

Emily: Barkk, My Depression Is Down.

Emily: I Know that you my Best Kwami If you become a human.

Emily: Barkk you will have Beautiful Dress. and bezel like yours ears Of Doggy.

Emily: I Won't be alone.

Emily: I Need to be Alone.

Barkk: If you need Help Just Say to me?


Barkk: Emily, Maybe you need my Advices?

Emily: Barkk, you're right.

Barkk: Emily, If Sonic your New In Love Boyfriend, Maybe Wayzz, can Explain to you?

Emily: Kwami Of Carapace.

Barkk: Don't cry, I'm here. Plagg: Barkk, There you are! Tikki: We Everywhere Looking for You, All Kwamis Must Have Fun. Barkk: huh Plagg, Tikki, I Can't fly with you, I Need to stay By Side with my owner, She's in Depression.

Barkk: I Hope Wayzz Will come. and I Will Explain everything to Wayzz,

Tikki: Barkk Wait a minute, are you Staying with your owner?

Barkk: Yes. Sorry Guys. Everything will be fine, I Promise?

Wayzz: Barkk. Barkk: huh Wayzz, Finally you here. Wayzz: Barkk What's going on?

Barkk: I Will Explain everything to you Wayzz, Emily in Depression.

Barkk: We can't to Tell Names our Owners. Carapace is Gone away, Lady Sobachka in Depression.

Plagg: Sass, Barkk Told us that She can't fly with us, She Need to stay By Side With Her Owner.

Tikki: It's Her Work. Plagg: Let's Have fun with Barkk.

Sass: I Understand, Barkk She's all alone.

Barkk: Emily, Are you crying?


When somebody loved me

Everything was beautiful

Every hour spent together

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