Chapter 13: I Won't Play Anymore

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For a moment, their team got the lead by three points. But then, it was like as if Sunghoon started to play seriously. His movements suddenly improved a whole lot and, once again, both teams are tied. Well, I don't think this is something I should still be surprised of. I know just how of a quick-learner he is. But being able to learn during a game just by observing the varsity oponnents and quickly at that, sometimes I can't help but wonder if Sunghoon is really human.




Our team's player cheered as well as our classmates. The other class can't help but get impressed too by the intense game. Although it was only a friendly competition, we didn't expect for it to feel like a world tournament.


But as everyone was enjoying, the referee whistled and formed a 'T' with his hands before pointing at Soobin's side. Seems like their team captain has called for a time-out. Hence, all players on the court walked away to do some break and refreshen up.

'waahh~ I was never into sports but this game just made super interested' I thought as a stretched my arms. I got too vested on the game that my body started feeling numb already.

But as I was doing so, I suddenly saw a figure walk towards me.

"O-oh..?" I couldn't help but mumble upon seeing someone I never expected.

'w..why is this guy here?'

It was Sunghoon. He is now standing right in front of me while drenched in sweat. Although his hair was wet, it still looked shiny and cool like those snippets from actors in a drama. He looked fresh like just out from a bath. It is also wierd how ge still smells good despite all tha–


"What's with that look?" Sunghoon snorted, breaking the silence.

"H-huh? What look?" I replied as I immediately looked away. "Moreover, I think I should ask what brings you here?"

I finally calmed down and so I looked back at him again. But after waiting for a few seconds, he strangely didn't respond. Instead he moved in closer.


'I was already able to calm myself down but now his movements are putting me in a state of panic again! Ugh! What's this guy's deal'

I already asked for the second time but I still did not get any response. He just stepped closer and leaned forward to me that brought his face close to mine.


I was about to shout at him and push him away but then his face just passed through mine.

"Excuse me, my gym bag is behind you" he said as he grabbed a bag at my back and finally leaning backwards again. After hearing him, I let out a sigh of relief.

'so it was just that. Ugh. What is this? Of all the places I could sit on, my ass brought me to where his bag is.... -_-'

"Pfft–" Seeing my expression, Sunghoon can't help but suppress his laughter. From the looks of it, it was obvious he did it on purpose to tease me.

"What's so funny, huh?" I annoyingly asked.

"You. Your reaction just now was funny. You get easily flustered. Just like 'back then'" he emphasized the last words before taking his water bottle and opening the lid.

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