Dear Ex, 1 - We meet again

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Dear Ex,

It's been 10 years since we have broken up. I know that we were in good terms the last time we met. I will admit that it's still you and I haven't love a girl other than you.

If only I have the courage to send this letter to you, I would. I saw you with another guy after we broke up and I didn't ask you who is he in your life.

Your smile already answered my question. I was there, standing behind the big tree in the park when the guy called you out and you smiled back.

I asked you to meet me in the same park but my heart got shattered of what I saw that day. I did not approach you instead I walked away.

We both decided to stop our relationship but my heart and mind is telling me not to agree as we can still work things out.

I got scared, I'm a coward but I still love you after all these years. I didn't bother to answer your calls, texts, and emails.

I went away, you need time and I need space. I didn't tell you where will I go but I sent you my last message.

The next time we meet, I won't be the same guy anymore. I will be more worthy for you, and I just wished that you can wait for us.

For us to happen in the right place, the right time, and us to be the right person for each other.

I love you My Clang.

Love, Breng.


"What is that you are holding, Shelly?"


I was shock and bump my head in the roof of the attic. As soon I was recovered in my shock, I faced the person who give me the fright.

"Mom! don't sneak on me like that. My head really hurts!" I said and she gave me a sharp look.

"Let me see, there is only a small bump in your head. You will not die due to that, don't worry" she said. I rolled my eyes to her and she notice that I'm still holding the letter in my left hand.

"And what is that?" She ask

"Well, I found this envelop in those tore boxes. It was named after Grandpa Brent." I said and showed her the letter.

"Who is Clang mom?" I ask

"Ah, this is your grandpa's first and last love. As far as I can remember they did meet but I don't know what happen after." Mom said while scanning the letter.

"Give me that back mom, I will ask grandpa about their story" I said,

"You shouldn't snooping these letters. It is not yours and that is your grandpa's privacy" Mom said and handed over the letter to me.

"I got curious! I was just getting my things for college and saw this tore boxes. I didn't know grandpa loved someone like this for his life. I'm excited to know what happen" I said,

"Alright, your grandpa is in the garden after you complete your mission, don't forget to tidy up your things. I can't believe that you are now going to college and moving out of this house" Mom said sentimentally.

"I will come back in thanksgiving and other occasion. Don't be such a baby mom, I'm already grown up" I said and leave her in the attic.

"Shelly! don't forget to tidy up okay!?" She shouted

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