Birthday Suprise

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Pain. Pain was all that I felt. Pain running down my legs, coursing through every fiber of my being. No part of me was left untouched by this strange, unrelenting shifting and moving of my body. This pain was something I had never felt before. Worse than Uncle Vernon's beatings, worse than Dudley's Harry Hunting, worse than the empty stomach that was constant and neverending during times at the Dursley's. Even the Cruciatus Curse would be a mercy compared to this. Maybe Voldemort was right; maybe death is the worst thing imaginable. For this is what this had to be. He was going to die.

But as soon as Harry had woken up, he was unconscious once again. There he laid until the high-pitched voice of his aunt called out, "Get up and make breakfast, boy!"

What? I'm alive? Harry thought to himself. He pats down his body, no longer feeling pain.

He hurries to leave his uncomfortable bed and looks at the mirror on the right side of the wardrobe. What he sees shocks him to the point of almost fainting.

Instead of scars and bruises, his face is smooth and completely healed. There is no longer any evidence of the years of abuse he endured or the excruciating pain that he felt the night before. His hair was also no longer short and untamable but in loose waves stopping at his mid-back. His face had also changed, only minutely but still different. The more and more he looked at his new body the more he found it different. What was once a small distance between his waist and hips was now at least doubled. He also no longer had hair on his legs or stubble on his chin and neck, and what little hair he still had on his body was thin and barely had any pigment.

He stayed up in his room for minutes, losing track of time. His aunt's cries for him to come downstairs fell on deaf ears. He didn't even hear her roughly open the numerous locks on the door.


"What is it, pet?"

Aunt Petunia slowly backed away from the open door as the obese man slowly woke up from his wife's screams. "Ge-get out, FREAK!!"

The newly inherited creature flinched away at the noise that the woman had caused. Without him knowing, tail ears, and fangs appeared as the boy had adorned a defensive stance. His aunt only screamed louder and his uncle had finally fully awoken. As soon as the fat man had reached a range where he could see inside of the room, he instantly turned an unattractive red bordering on purple in some spots.

A brown and tan owl then approached the window with a small letter. The boy takes the letter and quickly opens it. Before his uncle or aunt can react, he says, "Inheritance." 

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