Malfoy Help

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Happy Easter, everyone (who celebrates it)!! And if you don't, I hope you still enjoy the extra update. :)

Warnings and extra info. are at the end!!


Chapter 7: Malfoy Help

During the last week, I have explored Diagon Alley and many other alleys nearby. It was great to have a new face, a new chance. No one bothered me or was following me. The shop owners and employees did treat me as special or important. I had also stopped by the Dursley's to see if they had thrown my stuff on the curb. And as expected, my stuff lay at the park near their house. It makes sense as they did not want my 'freakish' stuff but they also do not want it in front of their 'normal' home.

As I was walking back to my room, I felt a strange pull. It was like my magic and my new creature inheritance's instincts were taking over and making me walk to Olivander's. I hadn't been back to his shop since I was eleven. The shop was the same as last time, a bit less messy from the lack of customers; but still disorganized. Olivander was not at the front table and I could hear no sign of him in the back. I walked around looking at all the different dust-covered wand boxes for a few moments before I felt another jerk instinct to go down the aisle of wands.

Similarly to when I was outside, I felt like I was no longer in control of my body. I was a mere spectator. At the end of the shelves, I see a wooden food leading to some kind of office or wand-making room. As I touch the doorknob, I am given control of my body once more.

"Ah, Mr. Peverell. I have been expecting you for a long time. Did you feel the pull?"

"I- yes. I can't explain...."

"That is fine, what matters is that you are here at last. My ancestors made this wand many decades ago," he lifts the wand in his hand with great care, showing me the details of the ornate object, "It was told to my great-great-great-great-grandfather that one day a very powerful, young man would feel the pull of this wand. And that man would bring us into the next generation, the second coming of peace. Many great things will come from you, young one. Yield it well," he grabs my hands and puts the wand in my hand, and closes my fists. I feel electricity move through my entire body, I can feel the pulsing of magic that runs through the wand and beats in sync with my heart. This experience was nothing like the one I had felt when I claimed my first wand. This one felt exactly like me, I couldn't tell where I stopped and the wand started. It was a part of me.

When I could comprehend reality again, I see Olivander's face with a huge smile etched across it, spanning from ear to ear. "It's yours, no cost."

" I can't."

"Please, do. It is a gift, to further wizardkind."

"Thank you," with that final response I leave the small room and head back to the room. I set the wand down on the nightstand and started on some of the Summer work that I had fallen behind on.


Every night for the past two weeks I have been having dreams about my mate. Every night no matter how bad or boring or good the day was, I fell asleep and dreamed of my mate. He would hold me and sometimes I could hear him murmur sweet nothings and words like "I can't wait to actually hold me in my arms." I know of my mate and his past, but I still love him. And no matter who or how I was raised and thought to believe, I am a dark wizard and creature. The books I have read, have made that apparent. I even have found some gray and dark arts books in the last few weeks that I have learned a lot from.

Still, with all of that, I can't make myself go to my mate. I fear that he will reject me, and as many creature books states, I will die from a lack of a fulfilled bond. From the brief mentions I have read, it is a slow and painful death. I can feel the effects of not being with my mate, but it would take years before it killed me. But then again, why live if not even my mate can love me?

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