Gringotts Visit (pt. 2)

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The Head Goblin had led me even farther back into the bank and stopped by two other offices to inform the other goblins of the ritual cleansing. When we had finally reached the end of the strangely long halfway, we entered an all-white room that had four other goblins in it. Three goblins were working to carefully set up the ritual circle and prepare the room for it. One goblin had started to instruct me to take off my clothes and lay in the middle of the circle.

They finish the multicolored outlining of the ritual circle and start chanting. The pain starts as only an itch and evolves into burning in the chest. Then suddenly all of my muscles contract and burn as they only tense up. At some point, I start screaming and pass out.


I awake on a comfy mattress with my head pounding. I look around the small room and see a dresser with a small stack of books and clothes on it and two doors. I can only assume that one leads to a bathroom and the other outside. I carefully leave the soft bed and slowly make my way to the wooden dresser. Three books all on inheritances and what I recognize as my clothing. I take the clothes and move to the door closest to the bed. As expected, it was a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, and shower. On the counter was also a vial of lavender liquid. I also saw in the mirror above the sink that I had hair that reached to the middle of the back and I had a more feminine appearance. My facial shape had also changed a bit; my lips were bigger, my face slimmer, my eyebrows tinier, and my nose more button-like. My body was also clear of any scars or injuries. My ears and tails are no longer visible, but I can feel them as if they were. I chose to ignore that fact and get in the shower.

After freshening up and taking the potion provided, I head out of the room with the inheritance books and see Griphook sitting on a fancy couch.

As I step into the new room, Griphok says, "Good to see that the ritual worked. We should discuss what you plan to do with your Lordships and any legal action you wish to take."


"Yes, on the test it states that you are able to claim the Lordships of Potter, Black, Peverell, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. You can either leave it to be claimed by another or claim it for yourself. By taking Lordship you will control properties, vaults, and wizengamot seats."

"Uh, I guess I'll claim all of them."

"Ok, for-"

"Not Slytherin though."

"Alright. You will put each of these rings on your finger and if it accepts you, it will stay on your finger."

"And if it doesn't?"

"It will simply move back to the box."

Each ring accepts the transfer and with a flash of light, they all merge into one matte black band.

"Since you have so many Lordships, the rings will merge into one, but will separate if you allow it."


"Yes, now you will probably want to go shopping for new clothes and supplies; so you can buy this pouch and it will link to one account you own."

"Ok, what do I do."

"Well," he takes my finger and pricks it, "This drop will link this bag to the fullest account you have in Gringotts. Now that will be eleven gallons. Just think about the amount you want and it will appear in your hand."

I do as he said and hand him the coins that appeared in my hand.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Could I change my name?"

"Yes," he pulls out a sheet of paper from a briefcase and pen," What would the new name be?"

"Hadrian Peverell."

"Ok, I'll file that and send you a letter. We will also be investigating the crimes Dumbledore has committed, we will be in contact later about that. For now, Ironfist will escort you out."

The smaller creature handed him s black leather pouch and made a hand gesture, signaling the guard to take me back to the main room of the bank.

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