End of the Beginning

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This is it, the final chapter!! We are getting a quick look into Dumble's perspective and then it is time for the next work. I am sooo sorry that I am exactly a week late. The note chapter of the next part should be up right after this is posted, so make sure to check that out if you are interested. My creative motivations shift every few days, so I have not worked too hard on my writing this last week (or the last two weeks). I have also been doing hair and makeup for a school play so it has left me with little time and energy. :)

Warnings and further info. in the end notes!


Chapter 11: End of the Beginning

(Four weeks prior)

An alarm had gone off this morning informing Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore that something had happened with the Potter boy. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape had already been sent to Privet Drive not even thirty minutes before they flooed back into the Headmaster's office with a sense of panic.

"Albus! Mr. Potter is no longer with the Dursleys! They claim he ran away just over a week ago, I knew I should have never left the poor child at that house! They let him leave, they didn't tell anyone or try to do anything; they seemed happy that he was not there," the brown-haired lioness exclaimed furiously.

"They have also gotten rid of all the boy's possessions. We can not use a tracking charm," the raven-haired professor added.

"That is rather worrying," the elderly man gets up from his desk with a pensive look before he continues, "Gather the Order, we must send them before Tom finds him." The others simply nod their heads and one by one they all exit via the Floo.


"Albus, what a surprise! We weren't expecting you for a-" greets the motherly voice of Mrs. Weasley before being cut off.

"Forgive me, Molly. We simply do not have time for pleasantries. It appears that Harry has run away from his family," The conversation continues as they move to the kitchen and Dumbledore starts putting up various wards, "I have called an emergency meeting. It is very dire that we find Harry before Tom gets to him."

"Yes, yes! Of course, you are right! I will prepare the house right away."

The two prepare the kitchen and just a few minutes later the first few Order Members show up. Whatever members could come file in and greet each other, all wondering what was the cause of this surprise meeting.

"Ah hmm! Thank you all for coming at such short notice. I wish we could wait for further information or for more of our members, but we are currently fighting against time," the Headmaster starts.

"What do you mean? Has something happened concerning Harry?" Sirius instantly inquires with a worried look. The questions only lead to the room being filled with more questions and yelling.

"Enough! Please listen to Headmaster Dumbledore explain!" Molly's voice screeches above all the others, effectively silencing the room.

"Thank you, Molly. As I was saying, I will need all available people to help with this. Moody, Lupin, Kingsley, and Mr. Taylor will be heading a search for Harry Potter."

"What do you mean Dumbledore!! WHERE IS MY GODSON!!!" Sirius leaps out of his chair and is immediately in the Headmaster's face.

"I was alerted of a problem at Harry's relatives' house and had sent Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape. It has been concluded that he has run away. From what we understand it has been about a week since this has happened. As I'm sure you can understand, this is a dire matter. We simply can not allow for Harry to fall into Tom's hands." Voices of every volume level start to voice various opinions erupted after his statement.

"Please, please! We must start an investigation immediately. This is not a time for panic. I have assigned the leaders and I ask you to support them in any way they need."

The rest of the meeting wraps up with plans of how to find the missing teenager and then they head out to do such.


(Back to present)

And that is how we have ended up here. At the beginning of the new life of one Hadrian Peverell, once Harry Potter. And I suppose that you can say the games have begun.


Warnings: Dumbledore POV, bad light side, implied bashing of the light side, manipulative Dumbledore, Angry Sirius

Words: 616 words

Note: Sorry that it is pretty short! I will try to add a few more Dumbledore POV chapters if you guys would like, but I enjoy Hadrian's POV sooo much better. I hope you liked the ending and I will be posting the first chapter of the next part this time next Monday! (Work should already be posted with a A/N).

As always, love you all, and stay safe!!!


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