Love is in the Air

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The annual Egg Festival couldn't have come sooner. Providing the perfect break to not worrying about planning for the wedding. Plus Adella was itching to tell Harvey the news that happened at the farm from the past few days.

She sees him sitting on a bench with his back turn to her. The farmer smiles deviously to herself knowing this is opportune moment to surprise him. Walking quietly up behind him, she covers his eyes over his glasses, mindful not to smudge them.

"Guess who?" Adella sings whispering in his ear.

"I would but I think your perfume gave it away, honey." Harvey jokes taking her hands and kissing them, "How was your morning darling?" He grins feeling her wraps her arm around him.

"It was good," She smiles rest her chin on his shoulder, "Didn't miss your snoring, though." She teases kissing his cheek.

"Soon enough you'll be hearing it for the rest of your life." He flirts kissing her.

"It's that a threat, babe?"

"It's a promise, dear." He teases further leaning his forehead against hers.

"I got quite the story to tell you." Adella pats his chest and takes the seat next to him.

"I'm all ears honey." Harvey smiles.

"Yesterday, I was trying on my dress to see if Emily needed to make further changes and there's a knock on the door. My dad answers the door since he finished bringing your stuff in and Marci just refuses to, but that's a different story I'll get to in a moment," She pauses to find her train of thought, "Then we hear arguing." She rolls her eyes.

"Did you hear what they were saying?"

"No, but before I went down to see who is was I hear my dad go 'you need to leave' and I see it's that slime ball Nathan." She disdainfully explained.

That's why his name sounded familiar! Now Harvey remembers seeing him in an old photo album Adella made while they were dating but didn't get a chance to throw it out. But it was so brief that he didn't think much about the pointless moment before tuning back into her story.

"Then I told that creep to get off my property before slamming the door in his face." Adella mimed herself slamming a door. She glances up at the doctor to find him petrified, "He went to the clinic, didn't he?"

"The man came in with his nose gushing blood!" Harvey exclaimed defending himself, "I didn't know who he was! What was I supposed to do?" He apologized.

"Honey relax, I'm not mad." She confirmed calmly, holding his hand, "I'm not gonna tell you to not do your job."

He gently squeezes her hand, calming himself down, "As this town's doctor, you're lucky his nasal bone didn't lodge into his brain." Harvey peers down at her giving a disapproving look, "But as your fiancé, you also should've kicked him in the groin." He leans over to kiss her forehead.

Adella laughed at his conflicting statement, "If he tries to ruin our wedding I might have to."

The annual egg hunt was about to begin and the couple migrate over to a table to watch the participants gather the eggs. Harvey went up to get them some refreshments to enjoy the lovely spring weather.

"So your dad and Marceline didn't show?" He asks taking a sip of his punch then furrowed his brows noticing it tasted different from last year.

"Yeah, Dad wanted to watch the gridball game, and Marci didn't want to come because of what happened a few days ago." She also took a sip of the punch noticing it was spiked.

"What happened?" He pressed leaning back in his chair.

"Before I left the house to meet up with you at the saloon, I told her that Sam was coming over to drop my dress off and there was a basket to give to his mother as a thank you." Adella eats a bit of her sandwich, "Later I get back home and I see her curled up on the couch with her face buried in a pillow. So I ask if she was okay, and she shakes her head no. Now I'm starting to freak if something to her or the dress, then she bursts out all flustered, 'you didn't tell me he was cute!'"

Harvey couldn't help but laugh, "Is that the reason why she stayed home?"

She nods eating more, "Apparently, she 'made a complete fool of herself' in front of him and now she won't leave the house."

"She's not coming to the wedding, then?"

"Oh no, she is." Adella confirms, "I flat out told her that she didn't come all this way to not see her favorite cousin get married."

He chuckled again and started eating his food, "Things will definitely be interesting at the reception then."

"Yeah, I have a feeling she'll eat before leaving." She guesses.

Harvey nods and they watch the younger kids collect their eggs, "I asked Maru to be my best man."

"You did?" Adella smiles seeing him nod happily, "That's awesome! Is she wearing a suit too or is she going with a dress?"

"She said she would wear a suit," He mentions, "She told me she could find one of her brother's old suits and have Emily tailor it."

"Great, because she was gonna get on you about that so she can finish your guys' suits on time."

"Perfect timing then, huh?" He grins taking another sip of the spiked punch.

"I'll say," She sighs sipping on hers, "Then we have to worry about the honeymoon."

"Already handled." Harvey bragged.

Adella smiles pressing on her lips, delighted by his surprise. She didn't care where they went to celebrate their union, she knew he would've made it special. "You are the best, babe."

"You don't have to remind me." He teased blushing a bit.

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